Protect you forever

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Professor Lupin held you tight into his chest until you sobs submerged into quiet whimpers, then sniffles and then they'd completely stopped but he still held onto you more for the benefit of himself knowing you were still physically here. He cared for you like you were his own child and hated seeing you in this much pain. He grabbed a tissue from his trouser pocket and passed it to you to wipe your nose.

"Thanks" you muttered

"C'mon y/n I'm taking you back to my quarters to get sorted" and with that he helped you up with an arm around your waist. You get to his rooms and he helps you onto the couch before disappearing into his bedroom and re-emerging with one of his oversized jumpers.

"Here put this on it'll be better then your school robes" he said helping you pull the jumper over your head to avoid knocking your bandages.

"Would you like some tea?"

"Oh umm yes please" and with that he went into the kitchen to put the kettle on coming back a few minutes later putting the cup on the coffee table in front before taking his place next to you.

"I don't wanna go home to him professor I can't" you spoke quietly the words only just hearable to human ears.

"You don't have to y/n I'll arrange with Dumbledore for you to stay with the Weasley's until you make a decision on the question I'm about to ask you."

" and what's that professor?" You asked puzzled

"Would you like... to umm stay with me l have a spare room in my house for the holidays and you have your dorm here and it's completely fine if you say no but I thought I'd ask" he seemed embarrassed by his own question before he looked up to see you grinning from ear to ear.

"I would love to professor.. if you'd have me that Is I've heard I can't be quite a handful"

"Oh don't you worry I've heard that one too and you don't need to keep calling me professor call me Remus, now c'mere you need sleep."

With that you curled up into his side as he wrapped his arm around your side and you drifted into a deep dreamless sleep for the first time in months maybe years listening to the sound of Remus's heart beat.

Remus sighed contently as he looked at you curled up asleep it was the most happy and peaceful he'd seen you in awhile and he promised to himself he'd help you along the way to get back to your happy being. With that he put his tea on the table and closed his eyes before also falling into a deep sleep.

A/N: and that's it for now guys i think it went bad very badly at the end but I think that's where I'm gonna end it for now I may end up writing more possibly in the distant future but for now thank you I bid you a good day/night/ evening and thank you for all the support

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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