The regret!

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I wake up the next morning with a horrific headache which felt like my head was splitting apart with electric shocks. When I finally mustard up the courage to roll over I look to see Alissa awake with a grin plastered on her face. I smile back at her before looking at the time which is 12:30. Lunchtime!

"Alissa I'm hungry!"

"Get ready and we can go to lunch."

"But my heads killing me!"

"Here, take one."

She chucks me a pill which I quickly take and immediately feel better from. Once the pain had faded I feel myself sighing in content before getting up


I get up and do my hair, makeup, brush my teeth and get dressed.

This is what the outfit looks like...

This is what the outfit looks like

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"Okay, I'm ready."

"Great, lets go!"

We get to the Great Hall and take a seat across from Draco and Blaise our normal best friends who seem to be weird this morning

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We get to the Great Hall and take a seat across from Draco and Blaise our normal best friends who seem to be weird this morning. As soon as I sit down Draco smirks which confuses me and causes me to look around, everything seems normal. I look at Alissa who gives me the same confused look that I'm probably wearing.


"Was you drunk last night?"

"Umm...yeah, why?"

"You might wanna look at your texts last night."

He chuckles and I feel myself begin to panic. What did I do? I pull my phone out and look at what he was talking about and to my horror it is not good for me.

                                     Draco 🥵

L:  Heyyy

D: Umm...hey Layla

L:  I have a crush on someone, hehe

D: oh, who?

L: well he's blonde, has daddy issuess and is in Slytherin!!

D: Whats his name?

L: Don't tell him, its a secrett but he's called Draco Malfoy

D: Really!!??!

L: yeepp.

He's sooo hot!

D: Really?

L: Mhm....Every time I see him I wannna kisss him.

D: Oh really...

L: ye, stop saying really.

D: okay

L:  I'm tired

Night, night!

D: Goodnight Layla.

I look up knowing that I am probably now blushing

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I look up knowing that I am probably now blushing. I was well and truest fucked because he know and I didn't want him to know.

"What was it about?"

"So, someone likes me."


"Ye you do!"

" I d..don't!"

I felt tears in my eyes threatening to spill over from the embarrassment that I felt, I had never in my life felt like this and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. So while panicking as well now, I got up and ran. Yes I ran. Pathetic really! But I ran to the abandoned girls bathroom on the third floor which I don't know why but I did. Probably because I didn't want to be found and reminded of this. When I got there I slammed the door open and ran inside like a maniac. I was alone sliding down the wall and pulling up my legs to my chest so I could bury my head in between them.

"For fuck sake! I have well and truly embarrassed myself and now I'm going to never live it down. This'll torture me."


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It started with a text! { D.M }Where stories live. Discover now