Makeing up!

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I didn't go out yesterday at all, not even for food. But today I felt better and less sad, the texts from Draco made me feel better but I didn't really want to see him yesterday. I have no choice now because I have a cabinet to work on and a shit tone of classes to do. I can't fall behind anymore than I will be. So with that I get out of bed, walk to my bathroom and start getting ready, brushing my teeth, straightening my hair and getting dressed. Once I finish, I walk down to the hall. People were starting to take their seats so I'm just in time. I spot Alissa and walk over. Yesterday I told her about the argument but I can never tell her about the dark mark. When I'm sitting she gives me a small smile.

 "Finally decided to show up West?"

 "Yes Blaise."

 He chuckles but smiles at me. 

"So, you feeling better?" 

"Umm...Layla he knows by the way."

 I look at Alissa shocked but she just shrugs.


 "I told him, he is my boyfriend after all."

 "Okay, and?"

 "We have an honest relationship." 

"Alright fine, Blaise can know!" 

They smile at me and then hold hands. I was kinda third wheeling and it was making me upset because I don't know what is happening with my relationship. We then continue our conversation till someone sits down next to me.


I turn and look at him, he looked like he had been crying and his hair was messy. It broke my heart but I needed to think so I got up and left. 

The outfit....

The outfit

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I have been avoiding Draco all day

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I have been avoiding Draco all day. Don't get me wrong it broke my heart and even at one point I saw a tear roll down his cheek but he wasn't going to get away with hurting me. When classes had finished for the day I went outside. It was chucking it down outside but I didn't care I just wanted to stand there and cry plus it wouldn't make it seem like I was crying. I suddenly felt a hand on my arm, the person swings me around and I find out it's Draco. We both shout because the rain is loud.


 "I'm so sorry! You know I don't think your not special!"

 "Oh really?"

 "Yes! Your so special and I don't deserve you!" 

We both let our tears fall.

 "We keep going in a viscous circle."

 "We can work this out!"

 "Can we though?"

 "Yes, babe I love you please! Your all I have left to live for!"

 "You love me?" 

"Yes I always have!" 

"I love you too!"

 We step closer making us only about a foot apart. We are both drenched to the skin, are clothes are sticking to us like they are hanging on for dear life.

 "But it's not like you care?"

 Draco looks at me angrily.

 "Shut up!" 

His jaw tenses up but I ignore him. 

"You did not just tell me to shut up! I mean come on it's true."

 Suddenly he grabs a hold of my face and violently pushes his lips onto mine. Out of no where thunder and lightning start as soon as your lips touch. I kiss back passionately till I decide to pull away and place our foreheads together.

 "What was that?"

 "I was making you shut up! You keep talking shit and I have had enough, you do matter to me and it does matter weather you love me or not...just please stop ignoring me!"

 I giggle and kiss him again before I nod. 

"Okay Draco." 

When we get inside we both go to our dorms and change out of our wet clothes

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When we get inside we both go to our dorms and change out of our wet clothes. After we meet back up in the common room and go to dinner together. When we arrive we walk over to our friends who have a very shocked look plastered on their face. 

The outfit...

"I thought you was ignoring him

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"I thought you was ignoring him." 

"I was."


"And now I'm not."

 We all chuckle and the me and Draco explain what happened. They were so shocked but also happy for us. It made me happy and grateful that I have such amazing friends and a amazing boyfriend. We pile food on to our plates and then we stuff our faces. After dinner we all go back to the common room talking, laughing and having a good time. But eventually I fall asleep on Draco.

 But eventually I fall asleep on Draco

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It started with a text! { D.M }Where stories live. Discover now