The duel!

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I was getting ready for the day, completely forgetting about the conversation I had yesterday. After that conversation I skipped the rest of the day and tried to clear my mind, it worked. When walking to breakfast someone grabbed my arm and spun me around. It was Fred. We haven't spoke since I said my goodbyes, when leaving for my suspension. I guess they heard stuff from the golden trio and kept away from me. 

The outfit...

The outfit

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George then walks over. Wth is going on. They smirk at each other and then George grabs a hold of me, making sure I couldn't move.

"We are just gonna check ya arm!"

I give a confused look which makes them question what they are doing. Then it hit me, my mark. Shit!!! Fuck!!! Don't make it obvious.

"What do you mean?"

"For the dark mark! The trio think you're one too."

"How could you guys?"

They both look at me now the ones confused.

"How could we what?"

"We have not spoken in months because I cut of Granger and the other two Weasleys because they were so very incorrect and when you decide to pick me up its because you want to see if I'm one, how could you? I thought we were friends!"

I now have glassy eyes and they gulp.

"How could you both?"

"L..Layla...were sorry!"

I let a tear slip and then remember that I'm a Slytherin. Fuck the people who don't like me.

"I may be in the house of snake but you two are the snakes! Why believe them? Huh!"

They have guilt and a tint of hurt spread across their faces.

"We have our answer!"

They think I'm one. They aren't incorrect but I cant let people know.


Then I hear footsteps rushing in our direction. 


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