Avada Kedavra!

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Once we get to the room of requirements, we make our way over to the cabinet. I take a deep breath and turn to Draco. Then I kiss him. It was a desperate, quick kiss and it almost felt like we were saying goodbye. Once we pull away we say the spell and then step back hand in hand. Slowly the cabinet door creaks open and out pops the death eaters. 

"Draco! Layla!" 

They cackle and then me and Draco rush to the astronomy tower. We run threw the school hand in hand, if it wasn't going to be a gloomy night then I probably would of enjoyed this. When we get to the steps we quickly leap up them, missing two steps at a time. When we reach the top we catch our breathes and then step out of the corner. 

"Who else is here? I heard talking."

"Ah Draco, Layla! I often find myself talking to myself."

We point our wands up to him but we were clearly scared, our hands kept shaking. He gives us a sympathetic smile. I cant do this! We cant do this!

"You are no assassin!"

"How do you know? I have done things that will shock you!"

"Like cursing Katie Bell and poising mead. Forgive me Draco but these were weak actions. Your hearts cant really be in this!"

"P...please stop!"

We were now crying. I know he wont listen but I had to try, he was correct about it all. We then lower our wands and hold our sleeves.

"We were chosen!"

We pull up our sleeves revealing the dark mark. He gasps and I see a tear roll down his cheek.

"Please let me help you! You don't have to do this!"

 Draco gulps so I but in. We were crying and I know he was too. 

"We have to do this! We have to kill you or he'll kill us! And our family!"

He looks really apologetic but then pulls out his wand.

"I'll make it easier for you both!"


His wand goes flying and he takes a step forward. Why did we have to do this?

"Please, I can help you!"

We slightly lower our wands, glancing at each other, as if we are debating about it. We don't have a choice. Then we hear footsteps. I mouth sorry to which he gives me a small smile, nodding. 

Bellatrix and the others appear, as soon as she sees us she smiles

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Bellatrix and the others appear, as soon as she sees us she smiles. They slowly walk over, their eyes on Dumbledore. Bellatrix stands behind us and pokes he head between us. 

"Well done Draco! Well done Layla!"

"Good evening Bellatrix! I don't think introductions are in order."

The death eaters cackle and laugh while we take a deep breathe and sneakily wipe our tears away. 

"Go on both of you, now!"

That woman's scary. The other death eaters snicker, clearly not impressed.

"They cant do it. They are just as useless as their fathers!"

I really wish I could Avada Kedavra him, how dare he speak about our fathers like that!

Bellatrix then leans closer. Her breath smelling awful, making my toes curl. 

"Do it now!"

 I jump at her voice but then Snape appears. Always late to the party he is. He walks over and looks directly at us.


He lifts his wand up to him, Dumbledore kind of nods. That is a little weird, did he know this would happen? Did he ask Snape to kill him? 

"Severus please!"

He then kind of nods at him again. Snape's hand shakes a little but then he stiffens his hand.

"Avada Kedavra!"

With that Dumbledore gets shot off the tower, the green light taking over the the moonlight. It was like he fell off in slow motion. The death eaters all let out a roar of laughs and then Bellatrix shoots the dark mark up into the sky. The mark was green and was sort of roaring or screaming, I wasn't very sure which one. As soon as I become alone I will cry.

Snape quickly grabs our arms and we rush down the stairs, I think that him, himself was shocked at what had just happened

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Snape quickly grabs our arms and we rush down the stairs, I think that him, himself was shocked at what had just happened. The others follow us as we all run threw Hogwarts. We stop at the great hall, Bellatrix blows out the candles that light the hall and then she jumps on the table smashing the plates, she cackles and then we all run away, out of Hogwarts and into the woods. Me and Draco grab each others hands while Bellatrix sets Hagrid's hut on fire. 

"Snape! He trusted you!"

 We all shoot around and see Harry Potter running down the hill with his wand out. He sends a spell towards Snape but he blocks it. 

"Fight back! Fight back you coward!" 

 Harry had been crying but had he seen everything. Me and Draco look at each other with wide eyes and gulp. Snape turns to us and points to the forest. 

"Leave, I'll take care of him."

We slowly back away and see Bellatrix cast a spell at him which sent him flying backwards. Snape says something to her which makes her run over to us. She grabs mine and Draco's arms and we run into the forbidden forest. 

"Lets go to the Manor, the dark lord is expecting us!"

We nod and then apparate.  


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