The Dark Lord!

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I wake up and get dressed. Today is the day. I make sure my outfit is appropriate for the Dark Lord but I have no clue weather it is or not.

This is what I wear...

I then make my way downstairs

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I then make my way downstairs. When I get to the bottom of the stairs my parents are waiting by the front door. When they see me, they give me a sympathetic smile and hug me.

"Ready to go?"


"Malfoy Manner."

My heart immediately sinks. Malfoy? Is Draco one? I nod and we apparate. We arrive at these massive black gates that suddenly open. We walk down the long pathway and arrive at the door. Father knocks and a tall lady with crazy hair opens it.

"Is this her?"

"Yes, this is Layla."

She looks at me and smiles. Her teeth are rotten...great. I smile back and then she looks back at my parents.

"Lovely, young lady!"

Then we go inside. It was all black but it was actually really nice.

"The meeting is just starting. Follow me."

We follow her to a big room with a massive table full of people around it. Great.

At the beginning the meeting was boring and depressing but then someone walks in and interrupt's

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At the beginning the meeting was boring and depressing but then someone walks in and interrupt's.

"Ah, Draco its great to see you finally show up."

Draco???? I look at the door and see Draco standing there. Wtf!! That was a plot twist but how did I not know?

"Sorry the train was late."

"No problem, you are just in time to see our new recruit get the dark mark!"

He takes a seat next to his parents and looks down. This was what my parents were talking about.

"Layla! Come here."

I stand up and see all eyes on me. I then see Draco look up his jaw drops and he gives me a sympathetic smile. I walk over to Voldemort and he puts the tip of his wand on my left forearm. It starts to burn and I look down to find the mark on my arm. I blink the tears back and he tells me to go take a seat again.

"Now, You and Draco will be fixing the vanishing cabinet together. This should be your main priority and I will be wanting an update when I see you in the next meeting."

"Yes, my Lord."

I stay silent till the meeting finishes. Did Draco want this or was his situation like mine? There was so many questions I wanted to ask him. But how? And when does he go back? Will I have time to talk to him? We all get up and all the death eaters leave but we stay and go to their living room.

 But how? And when does he go back? Will I have time to talk to him? We all get up and all the death eaters leave but we stay and go to their living room

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