The explanation!

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The crazy looking lady smiles at me and grabs my arm. She then chuckles really loud until a man with long blonde hair like Draco's and a lady walk in.

"This is my sissy, Narcissa Malfoy and her husband Lucius Malfoy."

"You will make a fine death eater!"

"Their Draco's parents?"


Well I guess it explains a lot but really I need to speak to Draco. But where is he?

"So, you know Draco?"

"Umm...yes he is one of my best friends."

"That's good. This could mean he won't disappoint us."

Wow that man is cruel.

Finally Draco walks in

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Finally Draco walks in. I was starting to think he had gone back to Hogwarts. Now I can get my answers.


He looks over with a sympathetic smile and then he starts making his way over. Once he's standing in front of me, he hugs me. Then he starts to whisper.

"I'm so sorry."

"Its okay. I need to talk to you!"

I then grab his arm and drag him out. He doesn't try get out of my grip.

"Take me somewhere private, we really need to talk!"

He then grabs my hand and drags me upstairs. The Manor was huge and had long corridors. Once we arrive at a room he pushes me threw the door and locks it. He puts his finger up to his mouth and peeks out the door to make sure no one followed us. After he saw it was clear he removes his finger.

"When tf was you gonna tell me?"

"When he was defeated."

"But what if he never gets defeated? Anyways why?"

"I would of died along with my family."

"Same. This was our only option of survival."

"I'm so sorry."

"Its not your fault. When do you back?"

"In three days."

We spend the rest of the day at the Malfoys and then it got late so we had to leave

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We spend the rest of the day at the Malfoys and then it got late so we had to leave.

"We will see you tomorrow."

"We look forward to it."

They say bye and we leave to go back home. We apparate there and then my parents pull me into a hug. We stay like that for a while till I get up and go get ready for bed. Then I text Draco.

This is the Pyjamas...

                                  Draco 🥵

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Draco 🥵

L: Hey

D: hi

L: u ok?

D: ye u

L: I'm alright but it burns a little

D: mine does too. all you need to do is put ice on it

L: oh okay, thanks

D: well I'm gonna go now

L: okay, goodnight

D: goodnight

D: goodnight

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It started with a text! { D.M }Where stories live. Discover now