The Cabinet!

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I woke up in the morning in my bed. I don't know how I got here but I remember falling asleep in the common room. Besides that, I get up and get ready. Once done me and Alissa go to the common room, today was a Saturday so we had no classes. We wait patiently for the two boys. Eventually they come strolling down the stairs laughing.

The outfit...


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They chuckle.

"We didn't take that long."

"Umm...yeah you did!"

They chuckle again whilst taking a seat across from us. We all talk about random things for a while till my stomach grumbles.

"I'm hungry, can we go eat breakfast?"

They laugh but stand up, nodding. Me and Draco hold hands and Alissa and Blaise hold hands. Oh, we are soo cute! We finally get to the great hall and see a couple students in groups at their house tables. We walk over to ours and sit down eating and chattering.

"Dumbledore keeps going on about how the dark forces are taking over more and more!"

Me and Draco freeze. I gulp.

"Yeah, it's getting a bit annoying."

Everyone nods in agreement.

"Anyways....what's your opinion on that new potions professor?"

"He's alright but a little weird and suspicious!"

"I guess so."

"He's a little bit creepy and he's always smiling."

We all agree and laugh.

"So, what do you guys wanna do?"

Me and Draco glance at each other.

"Umm...we already have plans."

Blaise and Alissa look at us surprised and then smirk.

"Okay, guess we will have a couples day."

  After we all say bye and Draco grabs a green apple and then we leave to go to the room of requirement.

We get to the cabinet and whisper the spell once

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We get to the cabinet and whisper the spell once. Then we place the apple in the cabinet and whisper the spell again. We open the door and it's gone. I close it and we both smile.

"It's working!"

"For now!"

We say the spell again and open the door to see a bite out of the apple. I turn to Draco who looks concerned.

"Well it kinda worked!"


We continue to try fix the cabinet until I check my phone and see a text from Hermione. I look at Draco with a confused look on my face.

"This is a bit weird!"

"What is bubs?"

"Hermione texted me."

"Granger? What does she want?"

"I don't know. Let me look."

I glance at the message.

                                 Smartarse 📚

H: Meet me at the library, its important

L: K but why???

H: Its something about Draco

I look up at Draco who looks at me concerned.

"She said I need to meet her like now. Apparently its important."

"I was going to say lets stop for tonight but ok. Meet me at the Astronomy Tower when you finish."

I nod whilst giggling and he smirks. I hug him whilst he kisses my forehead. After I sprint out the door.

When I arrive at the library I burst in and find Hermione

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When I arrive at the library I burst in and find Hermione. She was sat at the back in a bit of a hidden area. It was duller then the rest of the tables that had bright lights. Hermione looked like she was nervous. I walk over and take a seat next to her. She looks up at me and gives me a small smile.

"So what is it?"

"Well, Harry, Ron and I have a suspicion that Draco is a death eater."


"I know its a shock but he fits the role."

"No he doesn't, plus he's too young."


"No stop, I have seen both of his arms, He doesn't have the mark!"

To say I was livid was an understatement. I got up glared at her while she gulped.

"You and Weasley just lost a friend."

She looks down sad but nods. I give her a disgusted look and then leave. I need to tell Draco as soon as possible.

 I need to tell Draco as soon as possible

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It started with a text! { D.M }Where stories live. Discover now