Not today!

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She smiles like she just won a medal and walks closer to him. He back away so she stops and frowns.

"Why are you backing away from me?"

"Because I have a girlfriend and I don't trust you!"

Her frown grows bigger. So he smirks.

"Well she doesn't deserve you."

"What? And you do?"

He practically scoffed them words out. This makes her smirk and step closer.

"I think I do."

He scoffs even louder and she keeps taking steps forward towards Draco. Draco backs away but hits a wall. She smirks and walks towards him now placing her hands on his chest.

"Come on Draco....She doesn't have to know."

She tries to kiss him but he dodges and that's were I step in. I grab her and pull her away. Pansy's jaw drops and she turns around shocked. I chuckle and sarcastically wave. I also smirk and so does Draco.

" set me up!"

"Wtf! I never asked you to come up here."

He looked taken back/ shocked. No he didn't.

"Shut up Pansy before I make you."

She backs up clearly scared.

"Ok, maybe he didn't so what?"

"That's what I thought."

She then looks back at Draco, clearly sad and then she leaves. As she leaves she yells at me.

"This isn't over."

We lay down looking at the stars and cuddling for a while till we go back

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We lay down looking at the stars and cuddling for a while till we go back. We walk hand in hand and when we get back we find Blaise and Alissa kissing. Me and Draco laugh which causes them to stop.

"Hello lovebirds!"

They both blush bright red.

"Shut up, you both are secretly dating."

"Not anymore Alissa!"

I look at Draco who looks down at me smirking and I blush a little. It's nice that he's the one telling them.

"Finally Malfoy!"

Blaise smirks and so does Draco.

"Alissa shh...he didn't know I told you."

"It doesn't matter bub."


I smirk at him. I actually really like him calling me that.

"You don't like it?"

I shake my head which causes him to frown.

"No I love it."

He smiles a genuine smile and he hugs me. Alissa and Blaise smirk at us and we both stick our tongues out at them. We both go sit down across from them and we start talking until it got late. Once we all got tired we headed to our dorm.

As soon as we step in Alissa hugs me and we jump up and down, giggling and laughing

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As soon as we step in Alissa hugs me and we jump up and down, giggling and laughing.

"What happened? Where did you go?"

"Not today but I'll explain tomorrow!"


"So you and Blaise?"

I smirk and she starts blushing.

" We may be dating!"

I scream in excitement and we start jumping again whilst in a hug.

"I'm so happy for you!"

"And I'm so happy for you!"

We smile a wide smile at each other and then we start getting ready for bed.



"It's already 12!"

We both look at each other in shock and then jump in our beds, giggling.

"Night Alissa."

"Night Layla."

Eventually we both fall asleep dreaming of the ones we love.

The pyjamas...

The pyjamas

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