chspter. 16 big city&muzan

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(Your p.o.v)

Tanjiro and I just arrived at our next destination tokyo

I hate big citys always have always will just standing here being around all these people is makeing my anxiety act up

I look over at tanjiro and nezuko to see nezuko half asleep and tanjiro gaping like a fish out of water but I cant blame him there is a lot of people 😓

"The buildings are so tall and theres so many people its makeing me dizzy" tanjiro mutterd and bulled up his scarf to use as a hood as we tried to walk through the street

"How about we go this way" tanjiro states then draggs nezuko and I into an ally where 2 people where "getting busy"

Tanjiro goes red and I cover nezuko's eyes but I am completely unfazed by this I'm a weeb I've watched all seasons of high school dxd sooo this dosnt really effect me

"IM SORRY" tanjiro yells then grabs nezuko's and i's hands once again and started dragging us off till we make it to a small noodle stand clear of people

Tanjiro walked up to the stand and said "pardon me sir can I get 2 bowls of noddles" the noodle man looked over at me and nezuko and said "what about the other girl"

"Oh she binged ate a tone of sweets earlier shes good for the night" I say qukily and the man just nodded

[Time skip to when we got da noddles]

I was quickly eating my noodles cause I know what's about to happen and I want some food in my stomach befor that shit

And 3... 2... 1... tanjiro suddenly drops his bowl of noodles and abruptly stands up sniffing the air then took off and being the good friend I am follow knowing shit is about to go down

I fallow tanjiro into the busy city streets to see tanjiro grab a Certain Michael Jackson look alike's shoulder

"Do you need something" muzan asked looked at tanjiro and turned around holding a little girl in his arms

"Who's that" the little girl asked and looked at tanjiro and I

and muzan looked at tanjiro with a fake smile then looked at me and his eyes widen for a split second did he just notice me

(Muzan's p.o.v)

I look at the demon slayer boy while holding my 'daughter' then noticed someone standing beside him

A girl around the same age as the boy with long silky HC hair, glowing EC eyes, flawless ST skin with a few freckles, and an hour glass body This girl as beautiful no this angle is angelic

I inhale deeply and her scent is so sweet its smells even better then a marechi

"Honey is something wrong" my 'wife' asks "no darling these 2 just have me confused with someone" I say and quickly slash a mans neck injecting my blood into him

"Now let's be on our way" I say and start walking off but not befor glimpsing at the angelic girl one last time

(Your p.o.v)

"NO MATTER HOW LONG IT WILL TAKE I WILL KILL YOU MUZAN KIBUTSUJI" tanjiro yells as as muzan disappears into the crowd

I hear growling behind me and I see the man that muzan scratched attack his wife "tanjiro" I call out and he quickly snaps into action trying to restrain the demon

But you know what happens next the police shows up and try to stop tanjiro and i from doing our jobs

But thankfully toshiro and lady tamayo showed up to deal with it

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