chapter.1 truck-kun

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(Your p.o.v)

I'm currently walking home from my trip to hot topic with a mask I bought for my demon slayer oc, I'm gonna be cosplaying her at the convention next week. I'm so excited i might even be able to make some friends.

I can't wait to try on my cosplay when I get home, all I needed to tie it all together was the mask.

It makes me so happy that I'm going to bring to life my oc.

You see demon slayer is this anime I've been absolutely obsessed with since I've watched the first episode, but unfortunately I haven't been able to watch the rest of season 1 because of covid.

It's so unfair that they had to put the series on hold, I get that it's for the voice actors safety but like, this is my reason to live we're talking about.

"*sigh* I'll just have to wait like everyone else" I say to my self and start crossing the street.

Before I could get across the street a truck started barreling in my direction,  I froze like a deer in headlights .

"KID WATCH OUT!" someone yelled but it was too late.

The truck slammed into my body sending me flying into a telephone pole.

I heard the loud 'CRACK' of my bones, I'm not sure what broke but I'm pretty sure it was important.

I try to move but a stabbing pain went through my body.

The person who tried to warn me ran over to me and I think was trying to say something, but all i could hear was a static.

I go to tell them I can't hear them when I start violently coughing and I felt like I was choking.

Once my couphing stopped I felt something trickling down my chin, I bring my hand up to wipe it away. when I pull it away I see blood covering my hand.

I let out a shakey breath as I realized one of my ribs must of punctured my lungs i..I'm going to die.

No NO NO i can't die! not yet! there's so much more anime to watch, so much more manga to read, and i haven't even gotten to finish demon slayer yet.

I felt tears cascade down my face, my body start to grow cold as my vision starts to dim.

The last thing I say before the darkness takes hold is "this isnt fair damn you truck-kun"

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Hope you enjoyed

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