chapter.26 genya

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(Your p.o.v)

Here I am on the road at 5AM wslking to the wisteria house

Why am I walking there so early well that's simple its cause I dont want to deal with rengoku

Dont get me wrong I'm a mager rengoku simp and everything but hes acting very out of character it it was kinda weirding me out

Anyway I hope to meet up with tanjiro soon I miss my best boy and we cant forget nezuko the best girl

Wait they sould be at a wisteria house right now right, but that dosnt mean they will be st the same one I'm at but a girl can hope

"Caw caw YN the wisteria house is right up ahead" fugo states as he flys above me

We walked a few more minutes till we reached a gate with the wisteria family Crest on it but to my dismay it wasnt the one from the series witch means I'm at a diffrent wisteria house

Well I guess seeing tanjiro and nezuko again will have to wait

(2nd p.o.v)

You knock on the gate and a young women opens it and says "oh you must ge the slayer we are expecting please come in darling" and grabs your hand dragging you in

The women then brings you to a room and hands you a yukata to change into

After you got changed you desided to walk around a bit cause well you where bored out of your mind that and you wanted to see the sun come up

As you turned the corner you bumped into something very hard causing you to fall on your ass

"Ow" you mumbled "watch where your going" I grumpy voice states and you look up to see the mohawk man himself genya "Oh sorry" you say and get up off the ground

Genya looked at the person who bumped into him to see a beautiful girl with HC hair and bright/dead EC eyes

Genya blushed at you and felt bad for being harsh

" it's fine a..and I'm sorry" gents stuttered looking away from you, you held in a giggle knowing full well that genya is very shy around girls

"Its fine on my end to" you say and smile at the raven haired male causing him to blush

"Its quit early you know you should be resting" you say and genya furrows his brows saying "I could say t..the same thing a..about you"

Genya cursed at himself for stuttering "you got me there but I just got here and I'm not very tired so I'm just going to watch the sun rise want to join me" you offer

Genya face turned crimson and states "sure I wouldn't mind", you then grab his hand and lead him outside sitting on the grass and look at the sky waiting for the sun to rise

"So uh what's your name" gents asks and you reply and ask "I'm YN and you are" genya avoided your gaze on him and continued to look at the sky out of embarrassment

"Oh I'm g..genya" gents says quietly and you couldt help but to start laughing

Genya vtows furrowed and he snapped "what are you laughing at" you wipe away an imaginary tear and say "it's just your so easily flustered I just find it adorable" you then pat his head

Genya turned bright red and said "i..I'm not adorable" you smirk and say "let's agree to disagree" and booped the poor boys nose

You then got off the ground and say "you know I'm acully kind of tired now good day genya" you where about to walk off when genya stands up and grabs your wrist

You look up at the boy confused your gaze asking 'what are you doing', gents blushed once again and said "will I see you again" his voice almost sounded desperate

You smiled at the genital giant and say "well if your staying here then yes after all I'm gonna be stuck here till my ribs heal"

Genya brows creased wait ribs heal are you injured the boy questions himself as he looks at you in worrie

While genya was still in a concerned daze you slipped away back to your temporary room

(Genyas p.o.v)

Wait did she leave dwmn it I wanted to get to know her more

Well I guess I'll see her later she did say she is going to be here till her ribs heal

I hope shes ok she probably got banged up on her last mission

What am I thinking its non of my business

But still knowing shes hurt pissis me off

I guess I should rest some too

Hope you liked the chapter sorry if genya is a bit ooc I haven't gotten to know his character much
Also my update schedule is not fixed yet still got to get through my finals

Relationship status

Beware if a person reaches over 75% that person is obsessed and can be dangerous



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Status: 25%

Relationship: friend

Chapter secrets and observations

1. Genya dose not remeber YN from final selection

2. YN was kinda getting weirded out by rengoku that's why she left while he was sleeping

3. When rengoku woke up and noticed YN was gone he was livid

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