chapter. 23 to trusting

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(2nd p.o.v)

After you put your mask back on (to rengokus disappointment) and headed into the village to find an inn to stay in but that didnt turn out as planned

"Wait so you only have one room left and it only has one bed" rengoku asked with a raised brow "yes and this is the only inn in town so its eather this or sleep outside" the front desk guy states

Rengoku let out a sigh but nodded and paid for the room then started walking over to where you where waiting

(Your p.o.v)

I still cant believe I ended up on a mission with rengoku this is eather good luck or bad luck considering I'm most likely going to be on the spider mountain mission with kamado squad

I'm so nervous what if I say something that will make rengoku suspicious that would be bad

Also another thing WHAT GIVES THIS MAN THE RIGHT TO BE SO DAMN HOT now that I think about it everyone looks fucking hot, unlike me who is a potato (a potato with abs)

"YN I'm back" rengoku announced from behind me causing me to let out a Yelp, I turned around to face the fire haired male

"Rengoku you scared me half to death" I sigh putting my hand over my chest "oh sorry YN" rengoku said with a bright smile

If he keeps smiling like that I'm going to need sunglasses "well did you get us rooms" I asked and rengoku rubbed the back of his neck nervously

"Well you see they only had one room so we're going to half to share I hope you dont feel uncomfortable" rengoku says his bright smile becoming a nervous one

I froze for a few seconds than said "yeah it's fine i wont be too uncomfortable" rengoku looked at me with a raised brow and asked "huh are you sure you did just meet me even though I am a hashira that dosnt mean you sould trust me right away for all you know I could just be trying to take advantage of you"

I looked at him and let out a soft laugh and move my mask to the side of my face "but your not that's the thing I may have only known you for like 2 hours but I can tell your not the type of person to do that and me trusting you has nothing to do with you being a hashira it's with you being a genuinely good person" I explained and gave him a soft smile

(2nd p.o.v)

Rengoku blushed and lifted his hand setting it on your head "well I'm happy you trust me but still you shouldn't trust people so easily" rengoku stats concerned with how trusting you where 'I hope shes not always this trusting someone could take advantage of her'

"Ok I'll keep that in mind, now let's head to our room shall we" you say and rengoku removes his hand from your head and nods "ok I'll lead the way" rengoku states and taks your hand leading you tords the inn

[Time skip]

You and rengoku just got done unpacking your stuff in the room and it was about mid day "YN we should rest befor night fall" rengoku states as he leans against the dark oak wall  of our room

You looked over at him and nodded "that would be for the best we dont want to be tired when we fight" you agreed

"So uhh I'm just gonna ask this are we gonna be sharing the bed" you asked awkwardly and rengoku froze for a second he didn't think about that

"I mean if your comfortable with that if not I can sleep on the floor" rengoku says and rubs the back of his neck

You look down and shake your head "I dont mind I'm sure you wont try anything" you state and rengoku blushes

"Ok then well let's sleep shall we" you say and kick off your boots, mask, and haori and crawl into the bed 

"Um yeah" rengoku says his blush not going away wondering why you trusted him so much hes very concerned that you might be this trusting with everyone

Rengoku takes off his sandals and cape and lays down next to you

Rengoku looked at you to see you already have fallen

(Rengokis p.o.v)

I look at YNs sleeping face, she is so cute, kind, and trusting if I wasnt a better man we would be doing something other than sleeping in this bed right now

YN is a mystery to me she seems like a kind, intelligent girl who is nothing but inoccent but at the same time she is a demon slayer

I cant imagine what would cause such a sweet girl to join this line of work, a girl like her shouldn't be on the battlefield she sould be living her life without worrying about dieing at ever turn

She dosnt deserve the dangerous life of a demon slayer she deserves to be safe with someone that would treat her like the queen she is

Someone like me who would be able to provide for her, take care of her, keep her safe, and to be her shoulder to cry on

If anything I think I'd be a good match for her , wait why am I thinking like this its absolutely absurd I have no right to think I know what's best for her

I let out a sigh and look at her again "good night" I wisper and then drift off into the embrace of slumber

Hope you liked this chapter

Relationship status

Beware if a person reaches over 75% that person is obsessed and can be dangerous


Rengoku kyojuro

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Rengoku kyojuro

Status: 45%

Relationship: small crush


Chapter secrets and observations

1. YN is not actually a trusting person but she trusts rengoku cause she learned that he is not a bad guy while reading the manga

2. Yn dose not have high self esteem

3. Rengoku feels a strong urge to protect YN

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