chapter. 22 new friend

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(2nd p.o.v)

"So what are we supposed to be doing I was only informed that their was a demon suspected to be an upper moon and that I'd be paired with someone sooo I'm pretty much in the dark" you state as you unconsciously fiddle with you AOT ring

"Oh well over 40 children have gon missing from a village of over 100 civilians we believe it's the work of a lower moon" rengoku explained as he looked his partner over

You where very obviously a female your uniform alone points that out as well as your voice, the only part of your skin that was showing was your neck and hands, rengoku couldnt see your face due to your mask

But rengoku did take notice how you seemed uncomfortable around him so he made a mental note not to push you when it come to being social he dosnt want to make you uncomfortable

"So YN what rank are you" rengoku asked as the started walking tords the village

You let out a sigh and say "I just completed final selection not even a month ago so I'm the lowest rank"

Rengoku looked at you suprised 'why would they send a mizunoto on a mission like this we're most likely going up against a lower moon she could be injured or even killed-'

rengokus thoughts where cut off by you saying "dont underestimate me I may be the lowest rank but I'm stronger than I appear"

Rengoku looked at your small form then put a hand on your head "of course you can you wouldn't have been chosen by the master to come on this mission with me" the fire haired male bellows with a large smile

"If you dont mind me asking why do you wear a mask" rengoku inquired

Rengoku wasnt going to push on the matter but his curiosity is getting the better of him

You let out a sigh and say "my master made this for me I wear it as a reminder of all the fallen students my master has trained" as you said this your mind couldnt help but wander to sabito

Rengoku could tell you where remembering someone you lost as you said those words and the way your hand subconsciously made it's way to gently touch the mask

"I'm sorry for prying" rengoku said with a small smile but still a bright one and removed his hand from your head

"Its fine you where just curious" you replied and "if you want i can take off the mask" you said even though you know that would be a bad idea

"That would be a lot better but you dont have to" rengoku says with his usual smile

"Ok then but I'm gonna put it back on when we're around others" you state then shift your mask to the side of your face

Rengoku's eyes widened and he felt heat rise to his face

You where absolutely beautiful your glistening EC eyes, your flawless/freckled skin, your plump LC lips

Rengoku couldnt help but star at you "what do I got something on my face" you asked with a raised brow

Rengoku snapped out of his daze and shook his head "no it's just you are very beautiful" rengoku states causing you to blush

"Um thanks I guess" you mumbled looking down cursing yourself for being so easily flustered but could you blame yourself walking next to you is rengoku kyojuro youed be lying if you said you wernt a simp

Rengoku codnt help but smirk seeing how esaly flusterd you get he'd be sure to remember that

"So YN what breath style do you use" rengoku asked and you smirked saying "now that is something your going to have to wait and see for yourself"

Rengoku put on a pouty face saying "oh come oooon that's no fair" in a windy voice your just roll your eyes saying "too bad"

Rengoku suddenly stops witch causes you to stop "what's up" you ask lifting your brow "we're here" rengoku states getting Serious

You nod and slip your mask back over your face "ok then let's find this demon and let's make it fast I dont want to wast to much of my time here"

"Ok then let's find an inn and wait till night to find the demon" rengoku stats and you nod

Let's see how this will turn out and I hope whatever happens here dosnt screw with the time line

Hope you enjoyed this chapter

Relationship status

Beware if a person reaches over 75% that person is obsessed and can be dangerous

Rengoku kyojuro

Rengoku kyojuro

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Status: 35%

Relationship: friends

Chapter secrets and observations

1. Rengoku is a bit more flirtatious than in the anime

2. Rengoku is one of YN's top 10 huzbandos

3. When YN took off her mask rengoku felt happy she trusted him enough

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