Chapter 12

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"Hello master, I'm your moon spirit guardian Luan it's nice to finally meet you" the Moon spirit introduced politely.

"Hello master, I'm your moon spirit guardian Luan it's nice to finally meet you" the Moon spirit introduced politely

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"Hello Luan I'm your mas...wait WHAT?!" Estelle exclaimed.

"You're my master" Luan answered to her as he handed her the Moon Grimoire. "and your Grimoire"

"But I already have a Grimoire" Estelle told him as Julius talked between the two.

"About that Estelle, you hold two magic which your parents and I talked before" Julius explained to her making her clueless.

"What are you talking about uncle?" Estelle asked him telling him she really has no clue what he's talking about.

"Your Father thought that you only possesses Time magic but when your mother Estela told me about her two magic attributes I kinda got the idea, and she really did told me that moon magic will be most highly the magic you'll inherit from her" Julius explained to her as Estelle nod finally getting the situation.

"But why would she know that I will highly get the Moon magic rather than her other magic?" Estelle asked when Luan answered her question.

"It's because only those who have their descendants and ancestors' blood of Moon magic user can have the Moon magic, and since Estela-sama's family always has only child in their clan you will highly get the chance to inherit her Moon magic and because the Moon goddess choose you" Luan explained to her.

"Moon goddess choose me?" Estelle said out of the blue and Luan nod as answer. "I don't know what to say..."

"You need to be extra careful using this power Estelle, this is extremely powerful you're now the user of two powerful Magic's time and moon so you better be careful" Julius reminded her as Estelle accepted the Grimoire Luan handed to her.

"I will Uncle...but How can I hide this other Grimoire of mine? I can't show them this yet" Estelle asked.

"Don't worry Estelle-sama that Moon Grimoire of yours will be staying in your moon bracelet, you can summon it freely just say it's name and it'll be in your hands already" Luan said to her as she nod.

"So I need to train both of my magic attributes, my time and moon magic" Estelle muttered. "But how can I do it?"

"You can do it here my niece...remember I gave you three days vacation? Yami agreed to it also" Julius told her making her smile. "I'll help you train since I have free time"

"Thank you uncle" Estelle thanked him as she hugged him tight and Julius smile because of that.

After the sudden surprise of her another magic, Estelle excused herself to her uncle as she and Luan headed to her room so that she can know more about her magic.

"So, are you my moon spirit guardian?" Estelle asked him as she sit on a sofa in her room and Luan sit on the other sofa.

"Yes Estelle-sama, I am from the Moon itself also but now I was inside your bracelet for almost years waiting for the right owner and now that you're here I can now protect you with all my might" Luan answered but then Estelle look at him curiously.

"Protect? What are you talking about?" Estelle asked to him.

"As a Moon spirit guardian our task is not just to guide our masters with their magic, our priority is to be loyal and protect their master from any harm" Luan explained.

"Luan, can you tell me more about my new magic? I wanna know more about it before I train" Estelle said to him.

"Yes Estelle-sama, about your magic it is from the Moon goddess herself and it is only passed down on one user it can't have double moon magic user and just only one" Luan explained.

"If it'll be passed down to another user, practically speaking the past user might be dead already if that will happen but when it comes to their Spirit guardian their guardian will go back to the moon" Luan added as Estelle got every words he said.

"I don't know what to it means the moon magic user can't be two? and only one?" Estelle asked and Luan nod as answer. "Wait if you're a moon spirit guardian then you can also transform? I have this katana of mine and he's also my friend he can transform into a cat and human how bout you?"

"I can also transform into a sylph form and into this human form as well, whatever you wish me to transform in those two Estelle-sama" Luan said to her.

"Please stop calling me Estelle-sama, since we're now friend feel free to call me just by first name Estelle no need for the formalities" Estelle told him with a smile making his eyes wide and Luan just cough before speaking again.

"If you say so...Estelle...anyway I'll add another thing about your magic" Luan said to her.

"What about it?" Estelle told him.

"You're also a moon oracle" Luan said to her making her mouth gape.

"What?! I'm a moon oracle as well? You mean like giving prophecies to people?!" Estelle exclaimed as Luan agree.

"Your Mother's family were know for having a moon magic before, and with that they were also known for being oracles like predicting what will happen in the future" Luan told her.

"You mean I will be like that?" Estelle said to him as the guardian beside her nod.

"Don't worry that magic specialty of yours will only be activated when the only right time comes or the moon goddess sends you the prophecy" Luan reminded her and Estelle smiled at him.

"Thank you Luan, now you'll be in my side I don't have to worry more with this new magic of mine" Estelle said to him as a faint blush were flashed into the guardian's cheeks.


Just a short update for this chapter since this is just about her Moon magic 🤧

Thinking who will have a moment with her soon! Can you guys request who she should have a moment? I want it to be with the captains but then Leopold is sinking into my mind but then Nozel and Fuegoleon also- I cant choose help meee

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