Chapter 10

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"Got some new mission from us" Yami announced as he puffed in his cigarette and released the smoke in his mouth which made Estelle pout her lips.

"Captain! Don't smoke here I don't like the smells of the cigarette" She said which made the black bull members shook their heads with a smile.

Yami didn't mind her since he already knew about that as he continue talking. "Anyway a new dungeon has been found"

"DUNGEON?!" The rookies except Estelle said in unison.

"What's a Dungeon?" Asta asked that made Estelle face palm while shaking her head.

"It's where you can find some treasures Asta" She said to him.

"Some travelers will find it and then the magic knights will do the work, you can find treasures there just like what Estelle-chan said" Vanessa explained.

"You can also find some great spells!" Magna added that made Asta's eyes sparkle.

"Asta you'll go into this mission the Wizard king appointed you with it himself" Yami said to him that made him shock and also the others as well.

"Woah! How did you became close to the wizard king?!" Magna asked him.

"You meet him Asta?" Estelle asked curiously but Asta just shook his head.

"Noelle you'll accompany him as well and Luck you'll be the leader" Yami added.

"I can fight strong people?" Luck asked with a smile on his lips.

"Hmp! I'll surely take care of these two" Noelle said and flip her hair.

"Be sure to do well and be careful before diamond kingdom's knights got there" Yami said to them as they saluted and enter Finral's portal.

"Take care!" Estelle said to them and waved before the portal vanished as she is about to sit on a sofa when Yami called her.

"As for you Estelle" Yami said that made her look at him with a smile.

"Hai~ Captain Yami?" Estelle asked.

"You're being summoned to Wizard king's office in the palace" Yami said to her that made her eyes widen.

"WHAT?!" The black bulls members said in unison especially her.

"B-But why? I didn't even meet the Wizard king personally!" Estelle asked him, Yami just blew a smoke from his cigarette.

"Dunno just go and if the guards will ask you why, Just show them this" Yami said and handed her an envelope which she nervously accept. "So go now because he's anticipating your presence"

"Finral open a portal to the royal capital" Yami commanded Finral as he nervously stands straight.

"Y-Yes! Captain Yami come on Estelle-chan I'll bring you to the Royal Capital maybe I'll go there and roam around too" Finral said.

"You'll not roam around you will just open a portal for her scum" Yami said to him with dark aura surrounding him as Finral flinched and open a portal.

"I'll see you all later senpais, Captain and oh by the way please take care of Shiro for me until I came back he's asleep maybe he'll be finding me later when he woke up so please calm him down for me later" Estelle said as she enters the portal.


"So this is the palace where the Wizard King lives" Estelle said to herself as she stare at the huge palace, since it's been months the last time she saw the place.

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