Chapter 13

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After three days of staying and also training in her house the Novachrono Manor she finally went back into the base with her new friend Luan who is a Moon spirit Guardian


"Oi! Don't wake Estelle up!"

"Baka you half-and-half fairy, She needs to wake
up and eat breakfast!"

"Then I'll be the one who will bring the breakfast for her"

"She needs to meet Captain Yami, you didn't heard do you?"

"I know it! I'm there so don't tell me I didn't even hear it"

"Then let's wake her up!"

"But she's sleeping peacefully!"

As soon as Estelle heard the loud voices in her room she slowly open her eyes and rub them and saw two guys looking at her with a smile.

"GOOD MORNING ESTELLE/-CHAN!" They greeted her, making Estelle smile at them and greeted back.

"What are you guys are talking about while I'm asleep?" Estelle asked standing up and fixing her hair in the mirror.

"You need to eat breakfast already, the others are  there in the dining area" Shiro said to the girl.

"Oh, okay" She answered. "That's what you guys are talking about earlier?"

"No, actually Estelle we're talking about if we are going to wake you up or not" Luan said.

"Good thing I woke up already! But I need to go and take a bath first so both of you should wait here and wait for me to finish taking a bath and change clothes" Estelle told them.

"Should we help you-" before Shiro could finish his sentence Luan whack his head already.

"You katana transforming cat! Don't say that to Estelle-sama" Luan said to him and smile on her.

"Oh shut it Luan, you will not coming with me either so both of you shut up. I'll take a bath already" She said and went out of my room and go to the bathroom to take a bath.

As soon as Estelle arrived yesterday from the Novachrono Manor; Julius informed Yami about his true relation with her only Yami knowing the truth and will remain it as a secret with her, Julius, Yami and Marx.

Estelle introduced Luan to Shiro and they prettt get along well 'somehow' but the both of them has one thing in common even though they often fight or quarrel and their one common interest or goal is that 'to protect Estelle from any harm' that they would gladly risk their life just for the safety of this girl.

After Estelle take a bath and change her clothes, she headed to the dining area together with Shiro and Luan in their usual forms and not the human forms, Shiro being a cat and Luan being a spirit. As Estelle reached the dining area, she saw Asta and Noelle together with Charmy senpai and Gordon senpai.

"Good morning!" She greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning Estelle-la! You better eat many noms   so that you can have energy already-la" Charmy senpai said to me and places some breakfast in the table.

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