Chapter 5

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Estelle's POV

"So you brought your sword?" Yuno asked me as he glance to the sword in my side together with my grimoire.

"So you just noticed it now?" I asked him and chuckle. "Kidding, of course! This is also my weapon if you are going to ask me"

"good luck with that" He said as we faces the captains. "This is the start"

"Yes this will be" I said also as the captain of golden dawn step forward.

"Candidates! Sorry to keep you waiting, I will be the one to conduct this exam" The captain of Golden dawn said as he open his Grimoire. "Magic tree, descend!" When Captain William said the spell a tree pop out of nowhere and it's branch handed us a broom.

'So a broom flying test?' I thought to myself looking at the broom in my hand.

"We will now begin the Magic Knight Exam" Captain William said as my co-candidates started sitting in their broom, While I just sigh and stands in my broom and fly with it making some candidates look at me.

"Woah! She can stand in the broom!"


"Eh? So she can stand in the broom?" Captain Jack said, the captain of the Green Mantis, looking at the blonde girl who is now flying in a broom while standing.

"Looks like she knows that black haired guy, they seems to know how to do that" Captain Rill said, he's the captain of the Grey Deer.

"She seems to be perfect fitting for my squad" Captain Charlotte said, the captain of the Blue Rose.

Little did the girl know she gathered all of the attention of the magic knight captains as the exam continues with the Magical Ability exam, Magical Ability control exam, creation magic exam, and Developmental magic exam.

"That girl really is something" Captain Yami said.

"She seems to have a lot of mana" Fuegoleon the Captain of the Crimson lions said.

"Her magic is somehow familiar" Nozel the captain of the Silver eagles said looking at the blonde girl who is now talking to two boys.

"Afshehwhuw..." Captain Dorothy of Coral Peacocks mumbled.

"Ha? We don't understand what you're talking about" Yami said to her.

"Alright the next exam will be the last one" William said. "You will engage in actual combat" Making some exam candidates whisper with each other.

"You will be battling!" Fuegoleon shouted and stands. "You will pair off and fight with your partner, you may use your grimoires to attack, because we Magic Knights fighting is our duty and this exam is to show your true abilities!"

"As soon as one of you yields or becomes unable to fight, the exam will be over" William added. "There will be healing mages on standby"

As soon as the two captains said those words the candidates started to find partner and no one wants to approach the two four-leaf clover user.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 . 𝐁𝐂Where stories live. Discover now