Chapter 9

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"good thing you're awake now" Vanessa said to Estelle as she saw her entered the dining area, Estelle smiled at her before greeting her with a large smile.

"Good morning Vanessa-san!" Estelle greeted back as she sit in the chair in front of Asta and Noelle who are arguing. "Good to see you are doing fine Asta, how are you?"

"Hmm! Great as new Estelle-chan!" Asta said as he continue eating.

"You should tell that to yourself Estelle-chan, you made us worry you slept for like few days longer than Asta" Noelle said to her, she is about to speak when a loud scream interrupt them with a hostile white haired guy running towards them.

"Who is that guy la?" Charmy asked as she put the breakfast in the table for Estelle.

"ESTELLE-CHAN! I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO OUT SINCE YOU'RE STILL NOT WELL!" Shiro told her but she didn't mind him.

"He's at it again" Noelle whispered to Asta.

"I can't believe he's a sword" Asta told her and continue eating.

"Eat a lot so you can regain your strength la"

"Thank you Charmy-senpai" Estelle thanked and smile at her not minding the whining white haired guy beside her.

"Estelle-chan T^T" Shiro said as he sat beside her while she is eating.

"What now Shiro?" Estelle asked without looking.

"You're still not regaining your strength" Shiro said to her. "You should stay at your bed"

"Who is that guy beside you Estelle-chan?" Magna asked as he saw Shiro sitting beside Estelle and glaring at him but Shiro didn't mind him and kept bugging Estelle.

"Ne ne! is he strong? let us fight" Luck said and smile widely at Shiro.

"You can't fight him Luck-senpai he's a strong magic item, my personal magic item" Estelle answered to Magna after she finish eating her food, she smiled to them and faces Shiro. "Introduce yourself to them Shiro"

"hai hai~" Shiro said in a playful tone as he stands and faces them. "Yo~ Shiro here, Estelle-chan's magic sword and her protector"

"Ara~ the rookies are all here, have you all received your first payment?" Vanessa senpai asked us but Estelle just looked at her with curious eyes.

"What are you talking about Vanessa-san?" Estelle asked her.

"Oh Estelle! I got your first payment, I'm planning to give my whole money to the church at Hage how bout you?" Asta asked.

"Maybe I'll just give them it also" Estelle answered.

"You guys might love the church a lot but you should give some for yourselves also" Vanessa senpai said to the both of us. "Let's go shopping today!"

"This will be exciting" Shiro said with a smirk.


𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 . 𝐁𝐂Where stories live. Discover now