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15 Years ago...

"Your Highnesses, Estela-sama is going to be on labor soon enough!" The maid said nervously to the two guys who are talking to each other, the siblings stop talking to each other and shockingly look at the maid.

"What?! How is she?! I'll go there now" Joaquin Novachrono said to the maid, Julius pat the shoulder of his brother and speak.

"Calm down brother, Estela will make it" Julius said with a smile. "You can go now to her and I will handle the meeting, I'll tell you what the knights should do for the battle"

"Thank you brother, as expected to the Magic King" Joaquin told Julius but his brother jus laugh.

"Go on now, Soon to be father" Julius said to him and Joaquin wave at him and run to his in-labor wife.


"Estela!" Joaquin exclaimed and saw his pregnant wife lying on the bed while breathing harshly.

"J-Joaquin" Estela said bearing the pain of being laboring, Joaquin hold the hand of his wife and cares her hair.

"Shh you can do it" Joaquin said to her as the healer pulls the baby making her scream in pain.

"AHHHHH" Estela scream gripping her hand in Joaquin's hand.

"Estela-sama push more, The baby is coming out" The healer said while pulling the baby more and Estela is pushing more with force.

"Estela" Joaquin called her and kissed her forehead as Estela grips her hand in his hand more and continue shouting.

*Baby cries*    

Estela stopped wincing in pain as she heard a cry of a baby, she slowly opened her eyes when the healer wraps a white clothe in the baby.

"Congratulations Estela-sama, Joaquin-sama it's a beautiful baby girl" The healer said with a smile and handed her the baby that she gladly accept.

"Thank you" Joaquin thanked as the healer bow at them and exited the room. "She's so beautiful"

"She got your eyes" Estela said and smile not minding the tiredness of giving birth.

"Well she looks like you" Joaquin said and smile looking at the baby.

"What should we name on her?" Estela asked and look at her husband.

"I want to name after you, maybe Estelle?" Joaquin suggested and Estela slowly nod.

"Hmm what about Estelle Luna?" Estela recommend.

"That's great, it's beautiful it suits her" Joaquin smiles and glances at the baby. " so you're now Estelle Luna Novachrono"

The baby's eyes blink for a bit and move that made the couple laugh.

"She loves it" Estela chuckle. "Our little princess loves her name"

A few hours later Julius arrived in the newly family's room with his sparkly eyes.

"My niece! She's now here" Julius said with a huge smile, he look at the newly parents. "Can I hold her?"

"Oh sure Julius-kun, she's your niece after all" Estela said with a smile that made Julius smile more.

"What's her name?" Julius asked as he carry the cute sleeping baby girl.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 . 𝐁𝐂Where stories live. Discover now