Chapter 1

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'You remind me of someone'

7 years later

"Father! I'll just go and roam around outside I'll be back before the sun sets!" The seven year old Estelle said with a huge smile in her lips.

"You better be careful Estelle" Father Orsi said and She nod and giggle after.

"Please don't tell this to Yuno and Asta! I think they'll be back as soon as they finished their task you gave to them, Father" She warned her with her chubby cheeks on him that made the Father laugh.

"Yes Estelle, so you should go now" Father Orsi said to her and She smile. "You better be back before the Sun down"

"Noted Father!" She answered and run outside the church and roam around the village. As she is running, she then bumped into someone that made her stumble in the grounds. "Ow!"

"I apologize for my clumsiness" She apologized and stands slowly and the person who bumped her helped her to stand up.

"It's alright" the person answered and She look at her that made his small eyes widen. "E-"

"Perhaps do you know me mister?" She asked after she stands up.

" remind me of someone I know" He answered and She nod in reply as she smile at him widely that made the guy reminisce someone he knew.

"Hello Mister! Wait, you have a black cloak are you a magic Knight?" She asked then point in his black cloak and he nod.

"Yeah, I am" He answered, As she look at him with  admiration in her eyes.

"Wow~ You're a magic knight, that's cool! Anyway I'm Estelle it's nice meeting you Mister Magic Knight" She introduced and handed him her right hand which he gladly accept. "What's you're name?"

"You really are something, Little kid" He answered and chuckle. "Just call me Mister Magic Knight"

"Okay Mister Magic Knight" She answered and giggle at him. "Anyway where are you going?"

"I'm going to the other kingdom, I was tasked for a mission" He said to me which she understands. "And you? Why are you walking alone?"

"I just want to play" She simply answered. "Ne, Mister Magic Knight what's your magic?"

"It's something connected to shadow" The guy answered as he accompany the girl. "We better sit first before talking to each other"

"You're right!" The girl answered as they both sit in the side. "Woah your magic is shadow magic? That's cool!"

"You wanna be a Magic Knight?" The guy asked as he look at her. 'She really looks like Her, maybe she's her daughter?' He thought.

"Yes! I wanna be a Magic Knight, and then when I became a Magic Knight you can meet me again and you'll be proud of me right?" She said and giggle again that made the guy chuckle.

"You're right hahaha maybe we'll meet again after you became a Magic Knight" The guy said and pat her head. "It's time for me to go, I'll see you soon"

"You'll meet me soon after I became an official Magic Knight" she said with a smile. "I'll join your squad mister Magic Knight"

"You better be" He answered and smile.

Estelle smiled at him and hug him as the two of them stands. "I don't know but I feel like I wanna hug you mister magic knight, please take care" She said as she is hugging him.

"I'll meet you soon" He said and pat her head as the little girl broke the hug, he get something in his small bag and handed it to her. "Here, take this as a remembrance from me, Estelle"

"Woah it's an another cloak!" She said with a sparkle in her eyes. "Thank you Mister Magic Knight!"

"It's yours now, we'll it doesn't have a magic knight logo but you can wear it anytime" He said with a genuine smile.

"I'll treasure this Mister" she said and smile, accepting the cloak the guy handed. "You're a member of a black something squad?"

"Yes I am" He answered and pat her head. "I'll get going now"

"Thank you Mister Magic Knight until we meet again!" She said as the guy nod.

"Till we meet again, Estelle" He said and continue walking towards the Spade Kingdom. "So she's your daughter after all Estela..."

••••••••••••• 7 Years Ago•••••••••••

"Nacht this is my daughter isn't she beautiful?" his best friend Estela said to her as she showed her the baby in her arms with a smile.

"She is" Nacht said and glance to the baby who laugh as she saw him.

"You wanna hold her?" Estela asked to him that made him stiffened. "Oh come on don't be scared she's just a baby"

"But I don't know how to hold-" before he can finish his word Estela already handed him the baby.

"Don't be scared and carry her with care" Estela said to him and he followed what she is saying to him. "You're doing it great Nacht"

"She's beautiful" Nacht said to her and Estela chuckle as he is looking at the baby. "She'll be as amazing as you Estela"

"Maybe she'll be more amazing as me" Estela said to him. "Nacht, I want you to take care of her too when she grow up"

"I will, I'll just be at her side just like you as her god father" He said with determined voice.

"Thank you" Estela said with a smile.


"Maybe I can fulfill it when I finished my mission Estela" Nacht said to himself looking at the sky. "Indeed she will be an amazing girl"

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 . 𝐁𝐂Where stories live. Discover now