Chapter 8

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Estelle's POV

I irritatedly groan and slowly open my eyes as I felt a something is licking my cheeks, seeing a white furred cat is welcoming my day.

"Argh Shiro it's too early" I said to him seeing him in his cat form, he rubbed his head towards my cheeks as he purr on what I just said.

"Don't act as if you're innocent, go and change I know you want to tell me something what is it?" I told him as he look at me with his cat eyes and then I change my position from laying in my bed into sitting already making some space for him when he transform.

In a second, from his cat form a good-looking white haired guy with red colored orbs wearing a silver necklace is now sitting in front of me wearing his signature smirk.

"Well well good morning my Estelle-chan~" He greeted me.

"Morning to you also Shiro" I greeted back and then glare at him with a pout. "Anyway don't you dare lick my cheeks in your cat form!"

With what I said, he then leaned his face closer to mine still not removing his smirk "Ara? You want me to lick your cheeks in this form then?"

I felt my face turned red but then I tried to compose myself. "Baka! Of course not"

"Pfft you're so cute Estelle-chan" He said as he pinch my nose and then went back sitting in my bed away from me but he's still looking at me.

'Still flirty as ever Shiro' I told my mind.

"What is it anyway?" I asked in boring tone, he then placed his both hands in my shoulders.

"You're going to have your first mission Estelle-chan!" Shiro said with a huge smile.

First Mission huh? Let's see what will it be


"When you said I'll have a first mission, I thought it'll be a tough one Shiro" I said to Shiro who is in my waist in his Chokuto Sword form.

'Well sorry to disappoint you my dear' Shiro said to me that only me who can hear him.

We are flying heading to the village of Saussy as Magna senpai, Noelle and Asta are ahead of me as I am following them from behind riding my own broom.

"We are going to hunt boars? What's the fun in that?" I asked.

'Come on! Try to hunt a boar using this handsome form of mine, or maybe you can just use your magic Estelle' Shiro encouraged but I just ignored him.

Me and the others landed to the ground and started hunting as Asta started running to hunt some boars while I roam around and noticed some mist scattered around.

"Is this Village really do covered in mist?" I said.

'I don't think so Estelle, its some sort of like magic' Shiro said to me, I nod and look at where Noelle and and the others are.

"Hey Magna-Senpai!" I called Magna Senpai who stopped hunting and went towards me together with the two.

"Why, Estelle-Chan?" He asked.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐂 𝐊𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 . 𝐁𝐂Where stories live. Discover now