Chapter 2

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'Two boys and One girl'

8 years later

Estelle's POV

"PLEASE MARRY ME SISTER LILY!" Asta said or more like shouted while handing a flower to sister lily, I sigh looking at the sight.

"He really don't know the word give up on her doesn't he?" Nash said to me while giving Asta a disgust look, I just chuckle at him.

"Let him be, he's happy on that" I said to him and pat his head.

"Sorry Asta I can't marry you, I'm everyone's sister" Sister lily said to him but Asta stands and speak again.


"Stop pestering me! Water Creation Magic: Holy fist of love!" Sister Lily said that made Asta drop in the land. "Sorry about that Asta"

"Now that's what you get for pestering her" I said and chuckle as me, Recca and Nash walk towards the two.

"I'm not done yet!" Asta said and is about to jump to Sister Lily when a wind blew him and push him down.

"How many times does she have to dump you?" Nash asked but Asta didn't mind him and run towards Yuno.

"Why are you getting in my way too, Yuno?!" Asta shouted at him.

"Why am I? Because you're loud, short, Obnoxious and immature" Yuno said to him. "Basically, you're not appealing to women in any way"

"Don't be too harsh on him Yuno" I said and laugh on what he told.

"Good thing you're not making any move to Estelle" he added and ruffle my hair and I pout.

"If he will make any move on me of course he'll be stuck in time forever" I answered with a smirk.

"Hey! Is that what the two of you will say to someone you've grown up with for the past fifteen years, you handsome jerk and pretty blonde?!" Asta exclaimed to the two of us but I didn't mind him and just showed the kids a new spell.

"Look at this guys" I said and showed them a mini sphere which is color yellow just like hair.

"Woah! That's so great Estelle-nee!" Arlu and Horo said with an amused smile.

"Let me give you a hand" Yuno said to sister lily ignoring Asta as well.

"You two, Don't ignore me!" Asta said to the both of us but we didn't mind him at all.

'Teasing Asta and the others really is my mood sometimes' I said in my mind.

"Asta, Sister lily is a woman of cloth so she can't get married" Yuno said to him and we just smile at him.

"Also, you're just fifteen you can't get married in that age of yours" I said to him.

"Argh I challenge you into a fight, Yuno!" Asta said to him.

"I decline" Yuno answered and Asta just challenge him again but he decline again, I look at my two childhood friends with a smile.

This is the thing that I always wanna see everyday and the arguments that usually the reason why I'm so happy, I glanced at my necklace and hold it.

'I wonder what my parents or family doing right now? Are they finding me?' I thought.

"Estelle" Sister Lily called me that made me look at her and remove my hand at my necklace.

"Yes, Sister Lily?" I asked at her.

"Yuno dried all of the clothes, Also your cloak that you told me to wash" Sister Lily said.

"Really?" I asked on her with a huge smile and then she handed me the black cloak that I got when I was a kid. "Thank you Sister Lily!"

"Ne Estelle, you're always hugging and using that cloak of yours ever since you went home that afternoon" Sister Lily said to me which made me smile more, reminiscing that day.

"Oh! Because I got it from a magic knight" I answered that everyone heard and look at me.

"Ehhhhh?! A magic knight?!" Asta exclaimed which I nod.

"Hmm! It's from a magic knight" I answered again.

"So that's why you told us you also want to become a magic knight?" Yuno asked and I nod.

"If you guys wants to become a Magic Emperor well sorry you two but I just want to become a magic knight just like someone I know" I said and hug the cloak I was holding.

"Woah that's amazing! The three of us are going to be magic knights!" Asta said and pat my shoulder. "Let's do our best"

"But before that you three, you need to get your Grimoire first" Sister Lily said to us with a smile.

"Ah yes! Few days more before we get our grimoires" I said and glance to the two boys. "Good luck!"

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