Chapter 41

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We're back to Lucy's POV yall. 😚 sorry for the last chapter😭😭 I literally cried while writing that chapter. Anyways on with the story. { p.s its going to be a short chapter😩 }

Please vote,comment and share my story. 🤗

Love yall
Fezikhumalo ❤❤❤


The sound of tires screeching on our driveway scare us all out our seats. Pain shoots up my abdomen but I ignore it.

Alec and Ella burst through the door looking like they've been seeing ghosts for the past few days.

"Ella,is everything okay? You look a little shaken up?" Mom softly asks as she approaches the two of them. The feeling of dread worsens and I feel my stomach drop.

Something bad definitely happened.

"Where is Cole?" I can't help but ask. Ella breaks down and mom rushes to her.

"What's wrong? What happened,Alec?" Dad asks and tears erupt from Alec's eyes.

"It-it's Cole. Mr. Grey...he-he,I'm so sorry Lucy. We didn't make it on time" Alec sobs and tears prick my eyes. "Cole is on his way to the hospital"

Oh no. Mr. Grey...he found out.

"No!!" I scream. "I should have been-Ahhh!" I yelp as pain erupts in my lower region. Water trickles down my legs as stare at my mom with wide eyes.

No. This can't be happening. He won't be there. He won't be there!!

"Lucy honey" Mom says calmy. "Listen to me,you need to calm down and breathe. Everything is going to be okay" She tries reassuring me but it doesn't work.

"Let's go to the hospital right now" Dad sternly says. "Luke your driving Alec and Lucy and I'll drive the ladies" He instructs and everybody begins to pile out the house and into the cars.

I scream as pain shoots up my woo-ha and Alec gives me concerned look. "I'm scared,Alec" I croak and gaze at him with fearful eyes.

"I know. Me too" He whispers before soothingly rubbing my back.

A few agonizing minutes later,we arrive at the hospital and Alec carries me inside me inside before placing me on a wheelchair. Luke yells for a nurse and one comes rushing towards us. One look at a sweaty me and she has me being rushed to a delivery room.

Alec helps me out of my clothes and into the hospital gown before helping me on the bed.

"I'll be back soon. I'm just going to get your doctor. Keep breathing and relax" She orders me before rushing out the room.

"I can't give birth now,Alec. He's not here. He is supposed to be here with me but he's not. He's not going to see his baby!" I sob,pain erupting in my lower region.

"Lucy,you have no choice. He is going to be okay. Don't worry" Luke reassures me.


"Sorry. Yeesh" He mumbles,raising his hands in surrender.

The nurse barges in the room with Dr. Collins and rushes to my side. "Would like to have these to gentlemen with during the birth?" She gently asks me and I shake my head.

"What? Lucy,I need to be here with you" Luke argues but I glare at him.

"No. I'll be okay. It's okay,you can leave" I pant,trying really hard to smile at them but I'm sure it looked like a grimace.

They both sigh and turn to leave. Alec gives me a reassuring hand squeeze before walking out.

"Alright,honey. It looks like this baby is ready to come out" Dr. Collins tells me as she looks at me from her seat at the end of the bed. "On the count of 3,I want you to push as hard as you can okay?" She instructs and I nod,breathing heavily.

Okay Lucy,you can do this. Don't think about Cole right now. Think about your baby. She is about to enter this world so she needs to be your number 1 priority. Think about her.

"1...2...3!" I scream as I push. Pain blooms in my hips as I feel her move closer to the exit.

Pain pain pain. That's all I feel as screams and whimpers leave my lips. Sweat precipitates on my forehead as more trails down my neck and temples.


"One more push,Lucy. One last big push and it's all over!!" Dr. Collins yells in glee. I groan and breathe in deeply before pushing as hard as I can.

"FUCK!!" I yell as I push with all that's left of my energy.

I feel a sense of exhaustion waft over me as my baby's cry fills the room. I release a heavy breath and relax on the bed.

She's here. She's finally here.

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