Chapter 16

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"Can we assist you with something, Cole" I ask innocently, batting my eyelashes at him and smile, well more like constipated smile but yeah.

"Talking about me, I see" He says.

"Where is your crew? You usually bring a crowd with you" I sarcastically say, looking around for his 'followers', Alec snickers but covers it up with a cough when Cole glares at him.

"I need to talk to you" He says forcibly. "Alone" He emphasises turning and walking outside. I roll my eyes but follow him nonetheless.

"What is it?" I ask as soon as I'm standing beside him, impatience evident in my voice.

"How are you?" He asks and bites his lip. I roll my eyes and fold my arms on my chest.

"Cut the shit, Cole. I know your bothering me for something else besides how I'm doing" I snap, my eyes narrowed into slits.

Something about Cole's presence irks me.

"Okay. Why didn't you get rid of the baby like I asked you?" What surprises me the most is how calm he's being. It's as if this doesn't bother him in the slightest.

"You don't own me, Cole. You don't get to make any decisions about my body"

"Listen here, Lucy. Don't you see I'm trying to protect-"

"Protect who?" I cut him off and laugh. "Me? No ways. If you were protecting me then you wouldn't have said all those things you've said. You wouldn't be treating me so damn codly. You would be a responsible adult and own up to the baby but your not. Your not even trying"

"I never wanted this baby, Lucy!" He exclaims, throwing his hands in the air before gripping his hair so tight I'm scared he'll rip it right out of his sculp.

"Me neither!" I yell. I breathe in deeply to calm my breathing down and clear my thoughts.

Don't stress the baby, Lucy. Relax. Just relax. Everything will be fine.

"What did your parents even say when you told them you were..." He trails of and waves over my swollen stomach.

"My dad was mad and dissapointed. Luke was pissed and he's still not talking to me right now. My mom was disappointed but more understanding" I shrug and he winces at the mention of Luke.

Yeah, you should be scared.

"And..and do they know" He asks worriedly and I shake my head.

"No and yes"

"What the fuck does that mean" He grits out.

"It means that only my mom knows, Cole. But don't worry, I told them you wanted nothing to do with the baby so.." I shrug again.

"And how far along are you?"

"Why do you want to know, Cole? It's not like the information will be useful to you"

"Just fucking tell me and stop being so damn difficult"

"Go count, Cole. I'm sure you can do the maths by yourself" I spit then storm back inside the shop and angrily plop down on my seat with a heavy huff.

"Well? How did it go?" Alex asks.

"It went horrible. I never want to speak to him again" I huff. "I'm sorry to cut our get to know each other date but can we go? I just want to go home and rest"

"Sure. You must be exhausted fighting with him" He jokes earning a slight chuckle from me.

Both physically and mentally, I add.

"I am. I really am" I mutter under my breath.

I direct Alex to my house as soon as we hit the road.

I need some food, Netflix and then some rest. I know for sure that the chances of me crying myself to sleep are high.

"See you tomorrow, Lu" Alex says.

"Lu?" I ask.

"Yeah. Lucy's a mouthful" He shrugs and I laugh.

"Okay. Bye then Al" I tease causing him to laugh. I climb out his car and walk up my porch waving him goodbye. He waves back before driving off.

"Oh hello sweetie" Mom's soft greets me as I enter the kitchen.

"Hey mom" I greet back and hug her sideways. It's weird to hug someone with my belly.

"How was school? Anything new happened?" She asks turning back to chopping some onions.

Those damn tear droppers.

"No, nothing ne-oh no wait. There's a new guy at school. His name is Alex and he is Cole's step-brother. He's the one that just dropped me off actually" I decide to end it there, not wanting to tell her about how he is practically my only friend due to the whole school thinking I've slept with the entire university.

"Oooh" She sings, giving me that 'do you like him' look and wiggles her eyebrows. I laugh and shake my head.

"No mom. It's not like that" I laugh. "Okay, I admit he is kinda hot and he's super nice and very funny" We giggle at my answer before I ask her if she needs any help.

She nods and tells me to make some rice for dinner tonight.


Here we are again, seated around the dinner table as a family once again for the hundredth time this year. The only difference would be the elephant in the room which is me. Literally.

Mom and Dad are the only two conversing as Luke and I get stuck deep in our thoughts.

I don't know what his thoughts are but mine are about how we've grown apart ever since he found out about my pregnancy.

I remember just two weeks before the news were announced, we were inseparable. We used to be like peanut butter and jelly. Polar opposites but get along just fine. We were stuck together by the hip yet two weeks later,we were separated.

I know my parents think that we'll soon go back to the way we were but do I?

I hope so.

"I think it's time you forgave your sister, Luke. This behaviour will not be tolerated anymore" Dad speaks up sternly.

"Why should I? Why should I when I specifically told her that it isn't safe for her to come out of her room?!" He says, his voice raising with every word.

"Watch your tone when you speak to me, young man" Dad warns. "Let's go. Lucy you stay here or go to your room" He points at me before gently grabbing mom's arm and stalk to their room with a fuming Luke follow a few feet behind.

I sigh and begin clearing up the table. I wasb the dishes and leave the kitchen squeaky clean then trudge to my room.

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