Chapter 14

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5 months.

5 months gone and nothing much has changed. Sure, my stomach has swollen and the vomiting has stopped but other than that, nothing has changed.

The bullying is still on going and Cole is completely ignoring me. He doesn't say anything mean or hurtful to me anymore and has stayed away from me.

He doesn't look at me nor does he even breathe the same air as me. We'd be walking towards each other unintentionally and he'd turn around and walk away. 

Harsh, I know.

His friends have been asking him about his weird behaviour and he just snaps at them. Just last week, Max asked him why he was acting all weird and he got a blue eye and a busted lip as an answer.

Lunch still goes on the same but this time, the bullies would yell certain harmful words to me instead of coming to my table.

Yes, I still walk around the the school and hear ugly comments here and there but I've gotten used to them. I just ignore them and pretend as though their words don't stab my heart.

My concern is mainly on when Mindy will strike. Obviously she knows that Cole is the father but the question is when will she spread the news. When will she attack and how? If I know Mindy, she'll attack me when I least expect it.

That way, it'll hurt more.

Luke is still super pissed at the world. Most nights, he'd come home drunk or his friends would deliver him passed out. Okay, his drunken behaviour has stopped due to dad talking to him (possibly yell at him too) but he still isn't talking to me. I made mom promise me not to tell anyone what I have revealed to her and she has stayed true to her promise.

Though I do suspect she has told dad but he doesn't let anything on so I'm not too sure.  

I'm exchanging books in my locker when I hear two girls chat about the hot new boy. It isn't the first time I'm hearing about this new boy today.

Apparently he is super hot and has modelled for Calvin Klein and other famous companies. His father owns every single hotel in England and his mom is a housewife. He also has an unkown brother hidden somewhere.

The things people in this school say are really crazy. They don't even personally know this new guy but they've already gathered so much false information about him.

Lunch rolls around and I'm already tired. I just want to go to my secret spot then go home and rest. Going to school has become a drag.

As soon as my stomach became visible, the school went into a frenzy. New exotic rumours came out about me which was surprising because of the already existing rumours that are extremely exaggerated. It's like the people of this school wake up with new stories for someone they don't know or like.

Part of me wishes to see and meet this new boy but another part of me says I shouldn't. Why? Because I'll embarrass him or he'll join the lets-bully-Lucy boat.

I fear he'll be the latter.

I'm happily munching on my Mcdonalds when an unknown male takes a seat facing me.

This must be the new guy.

I guess one of his rumours were true. He is hot. Well, not as hot as a certain someone but he is not to be mentioned.

A mop of blonde hair sits a top his head and he has a pair of chocalate eyes accompanied by a crooked nose. Thin lips and a sharp jaw made to cut you with one touch. Well he's cute.

"Uhm, can I help you?" I ask, confused. Why is he sitting with me? Hasn't he been warned of me?

"The name's Alec. Alec Hartwell" He says, his voice coming out strong. He extends a hand for me to shake and I look at him suspiciously. "This would be the part where you tell me your name as you shake my hand"

"Who sent you?" I ask. My eyes narrowed and my fries long forgotten. Damn, they're going to get cold and uncomfortably hard. 

New boy chuckles and retracts his hand then searches through his royal blue bag and retrieves a lunch bag.

"Why do you say that?" He asks, opening the preserving plastic wrapped over his sandwich. His eyebrow quirked and his eyes swimming in amusement.

"Haven't you heard? I carry every disease transmitted through sexual intercourse and if your within five feet close to me, you'll catch the diseases" I say. My voice dripping with sarcasm and bitterness.  His boisterous laughter makes my ears sing in happiness as his eyes crinkle at the sides and his head thrown back.

"Whoever said that should get checked. That's nonsense" I chuckle and shake my head, my gaze dropping to my pleading fries.

"Lucy. Lucy Banes" I introduce but don't offer him my hand.

"Nice to meet you Lucy Banes" He smiles,turning me into goo. "Not to be nosy or anything but is there a reason why everyone keeps avoiding you and that you sit alone?"

"I'm apparently the school slut for losing my virginity and falling pregnant after that" I shrug, ignoring the pain searing in my heart. Memories of that fateful night invade my thoughts but I push them to the back of my mind and bury them there.

"How does that one mistake deem you a school slut? I'm assuming it was a mistake, right?"

"Yeah" I nod. "And I don't know. I guess this school works differently. All these people here are idiots and I'm just waiting for graduation so I can get as far away from this hell hole as possible" I snort.

He opens his mouth to say something but is cut of by Cole and his followers,Mindy is clinging hard onto Cole's bicep and I'm tempted to destroy her nose.

"Alec, I thought you'd come over and sit with us not with Lucy the slut over here" He says, directing his words to Alec only and ignores my presence completely.

"I never said I'd come sit with you Cole and don't call her a slut just because of one mistake" Alec frowns, both males glaring at each other.

My eyes sweep between the both of them in curiosity. How do they know each other? It can't be that Alec has been in this school for a mere four hours and has already grown immense hatred towards Cole.

Somethings up between these two and I intend on finding out.

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