Chapter 5

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I feel nervous and anxious. My heart is beating so fast I'm scared it's going to burst out my chest.

I internally roll my eyes at how dumb I'm being. Why am I even nervous? It's not like there's a test I needed to study for?

Oh snap! There is! That damn history test! Oh I'm sooo failing.

I sigh as soon as I reach my locker. My thoughts consumed with how in heavens name I'm going to face Cole today. What am I even going to say?

"Uhh hey Cole so I wanted to ask if what happened between us that night meant anything to you?" Yeah, no. That won't look right.

I shake my head to clear my thoughts and walk to my first period, which is Maths. Dear god maths is the worst subject I've ever learnt. I really really really hate it.

The bell rings as soon as my butt touches my seat and a few students barely make it in the class. A few seconds after some blondes strode in the class, babbling something about a new Kylie Cosmetic lipstick that is apparently a limited edition, the man of my thoughts confidently strides in. His bag hanging cooly on one shoulder and his face blessed with his usual smirk. Today he is dressed in his usual black jeans and a white t-shirt poking out his grey hoodie.

Oh he's so hot.

Mr. Kades glares at him before sighing and fumbles for some work on his super neat table.

My eyes meet Cole's and my breath hitches. I suddenly feel nervous and self conscious under his intense gaze. He looks me up and down before continuing his journey to the back, where his desk is,barely aknowlegding me.

I bite my lip and focus back on the board infront, where Mr. Kades is already scribbling on.

Why did he just...ignore me? He basically just checked me out, didn't really like what he saw then completely ignored me.

Now this, is proof that what happened between us meant shit to Cole. I was just another one of the bimbos that fell for his charms and expected more from him.

Did I really think that Cole Grey would just randomly change his player ways for somebody like me? The girl whose brother is his sworn enemy. The girl who is completely and utterly not his type. I'm nerdy and anti social whereas he is a degenerate and a complete social butterfly.

A few minutes into the class, I turn and look at him again. I can't just let this slide without some sort of explanation.

I find his stormy eyes already looking at me with mischief and amusement. He repeatedly taps his pen on the desk,his long legs stretched out under his desk and his hair messy and untamed on his head. His full lips stretched into a smirk. It's as if he was expecting me to turn around.

He raises a perfectly carved eyebrow and his smirk grows as if asking me what. I glare at him in a you know what way. He shrugs, cleary understanding what I'm talking about and hunches forward, resting his elbows on his desk.


"Ms. Banes and Mr. Grey!" Mr. Kades calls. I jump a little and face the teacher with a sheepish look. "What seems to be the problem?" He asks, quirking a bushy eyebrow and staring accusingly at both Cole and I.

I honestly think teachers are the nosiest people. Like, why do you want to know what we're talking about? It's none of your business nor does it involve you.

"Nothing" I mumble loud enough for him to hear.

"It better be" He warns before talking about us solving for x.

I hear a deep chuckle from the back of the class but I don't turn around.


Lunch rolls around and I still haven't actually confronted Cole.

I'm simply scared of what I know will come. Is it bad that I don't want to hear what I know I'll hear? More so because it comes from my crush?

As I chew on my strawberries, a heavy hand slams onto the table, scaring me. I turn my head and find a yet again smirking Cole and his minions close by. The sound of his hand colliding with the table with force gathered unwanted attention from me and wanted attention of the whole cafeteria from Cole.

"Hello there, cupcake" He says, straightening his posture and rolls his shoulders. I sense some serious bad vibes from him. Okay, they're always there but now, they are solemnly directed to me. That isn't good.

"Uhh,hey Cole" I slowly say,slightly confused as to why I'm getting the negative vibes from him.

"So, I was wondering when we are going to have another round again. But, only if you'll be able to handle it ofcourse" He says, his voice implying something.

"What?" I ask, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Oh don't look so confused, cupcake. We all know how much of a slut you are" He says, chuckling at the end. The cafeteria gasps and murmurs to one another as I stare at Cole in horror.

Did...did he just call me a...slut? Why when he is the only guy I've slept with. He took what can never be given back and now I'm deemed a slut for giving him what was actually meant for my husband?

"What? I'm not a slut Cole and I take offense to that" I snap, slowly getting up and glare at him.

"Really? If you weren't a slut cupcake, you wouldn't have done all those things you did to me on your brother's party" He simply says.

"You and I both know that I was a virgin, Cole" I grit through my teeth.

He laughs. Hard. His friends and the crowd join him.

"A virgin?" He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "No virgin is capable of perfoming so skilfully, cupcake. Just admit it, you've always been such a whore" He says, looking at me expectantly as if he actually wants me to admit something so false.

What the hell is he trying to do? Is he disgusted that he slept with his nemesis sister or is he embarrassed about it?

Why is he saying all of these things when Saturday night, he kept on calling me beautiful and saying all these nice things that made my heart warm.

This...this is absurd. So absurd.

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