Chapter 26

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"You took me to an arcade?" I exclaim, laughing as we step inside the building.

Cole nods and grins like a five year old. "I always come here during my free time to run away from people and their obnoxious behaviour. It's relaxing and I've set quite a few high scores on some of the games" He tells me then starts speaking to the clerk behind the desk.

I take a closer look at the girl probably our age and a pang of jealousy pools in my belly. She is beautiful, the type Cole is meant to be with. Her smile lights up the room and her angelic voice bounces on the walls as she speaks to Cole in a sickening sweet tone.

Her blonde hair is bouncing on her back in curls and her bright green eyes stare deeply into Cole's dark grey ones. Cole signature smirk is on his face and his eyes are flirtatious but mysterious as I stand awkwardly beside him,staring at their encounter.

I suddenly feel subconscious standing next to Cole with my belly pushing out. My face is puffy due to the crying I was doing and my hair is slightly greasy. I look so disgusting compared to the goddess in front of me.

She hands us our bands and lets us walk further into the arcade. I can't help but look back once more and find her biting her lip and staring at Cole's back. I curse her life and face forward again. The way they spoke to each other was like they have been friends for decades and are just catching up. It's like they are use to flirting with each other no matter who is present. She didn't even acknowledge me.

"Alright" He says and claps his hands. "What do you want to play first? Any game that you've been wanting to play?" He asks and I shrug. My head is still stuck with how blondie is fit to be standing next to Cole with his baby in her belly and not me.

"Anything is fine" I murmur.

Am I that ugly?

"Okay. Let's start with the most easiest. Pac Man" He says and leads me to the center of the arcade where Pac Man is. He takes out his wallet and inserts a few coins in the machine slot. The game starts and his fingers move skilfully on the buttons as he has been doing so many times before. "Watch, Lucy. Take some tips because your playing next"

Do I deserve to stand beside Cole?

Does he think I'm enough?

Does he even think I'm beautiful?

Does he even like me?

No. I shouldn't care. I like Alec and he likes me back. We're going on a date tomorrow and I'm going to enjoy it. I'm not going to think about what anyone thinks of me except Alec. He deserves my full attention not half of it. He doesn't deserve to be left out as soon as I'm in the presence of Cole Grey.

I wonder if Alec and I do start dating whether he'll introduce me to his mom? What will she say when she sees her son walking in with a pregnant teenager and claims that I am his girlfriend? Will she scold her son and kick me out?

Let me not think that far. He hasn't even asked me to be his yet and I'm already talking about meeting his mother. But wait...if I have to meet his mother then I'm most definitely going to meet Cole's father.

What will he say? Will he kick me out and beat Alec up for dating a whale? For dating a girl who is pregnant with another's baby. The funny part is that the baby is actually his own son's. Talk about weird.

For hours we play different games and I lose all of them. I'm such a sore loser. Cole was laughing at me the whole time as I sulk about each YOU LOSE!  I've been seeing.

"Lucy!" Cole's voice calls out and I hum a response, my mind still dizzy with all the thoughts. "I've called you seven times already. Are you okay? Is it the baby?" He ask, already concerned but not for me, for his baby.

I instantly frown and shake my head no. "The baby is okay, Cole. I just had a very lond day and my feet are most definitely starting to swell. I just want to lie down then wake up and eat some strawberries" I tell him. He sighs and runs a veiny hand through his brown locks.

"I guess coming to the arcade was a bad idea. I should have taken you straight home " He mumbles that last part to himself.

"Honestly, I had fun Cole. It's just that for someone in my situation, I can't be standing for hours or my feet and back will start aching then I become all moody. Trust me, you will not like the moody side of me" I say, silently chuckling.

"Atleast you had fun" He smiles and drops his heavy arm on my neck and pulls me to his car.

"Bye Michelle!" He yells out and waves at the grinning clerk. My heart sinks and I bite my lip to stop the tears from forming.

Why am I even crying?

"Your head has been in the clouds ever since we entered the arcade, are you sure your okay?" He asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Just tired, as I said" I force out a smile and fake a yawn just to prove my point. I'm not really lying to him,I am really tired.

A nap sounds really good at this moment. I hope Cole won't mind if I nap all the way back to my house.

I close my eyes and lay my head on the cool window and let myself slip into the dark abyss.


I wake up to a big warm hand rubbing my belly. Looking out the window, I realise we are parked a few houses away from my house.

Makes sense, he doesn't want to be seen by Luke. When our eyes meet, he quickly removes his hand and clears his throat.

"I don't bite you know" I tease. "Your allowed to rub my belly" I inform him then let out a loud yawn.

He chuckles and shakes his head.

"I heard your going on a date with Alec" He slowly says, and unknown emotion swims in his eyes as he stares at me.

"Yeah. I am" I reply,vcautious not to tick him off.

It goes quiet and awkward after that and I shuffle uncomfortably in my seat. He is still looking at me and it's making my whole body heat up. Why is he staring at me so much?

"I've been meaning to ask, I hope I don't offend you in some way" I break the deafening silence.

Though my question will make him snap, I need to ask. I need to find a way to help him. It's unhealthy for a teenager or any kid for that matter to,to go through so much trauma. Obviously he will be a tough nut to crack but I hope he comes around soon.

"Sure" He says. "If it has anything to do with my father then no. I don't want to hear it" He later adds.

"But-" I argue but be cuts me off.

"No" He snaps and narrows his darkened eyes at me, making me shrink in fear. Is this how his father looks like when he is about to beat Cole?

"Just listen, Cole. I'm only trying to help you. It's unhealthy to keep things to yourself" How hypocritical of me.

"Get out the car, Lucy" He sneers.


"GET THE FUCK OUT MY CAR, LUCY!!" He booms,making me squeal in shock.

"Don't you ever yell at me" I hiss and shove a picture of the ultrasound scan on his chest and climb out the car. I slam his door shut and stomp angrily to my house.


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