Chapter 17

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Their raised voices could be heard from my room and I think the nosey neighbours can hear them too. I'm laying on my back on my bed staring at the white seiling in thought.

Not once during these two full hours did I hear mom's voice. I'm assuming she has been quite and watching the two males yell at each other about her daughter. Poor mom. She is a peaceful being and watching males be...well males, it must be hard for her. More so because she loves the both of them.

I can't help but feel guilty that she is holding a secret so dear to me from someone she loves most just because of my request. I hate to put her in such a tight position but I'm not sure how much longer I would be able to hide this from her. She is ofcourse my pillar of strength.

Another hour goes by before mom's soft footsteps make their way inside my room. She gives me a small smile and climbs in behind me, spooning me.

"How was it?" I whisper, snuggling closer to her warmth. I hear her sigh and her hot breath on the top of my head.

"It wasn't that bad, really. It's just that their both stubborn men and won't listen to what the other has to say and because of that, the communication is not working well"

"It's my fault. I shouldn't have gone out of my room. If I had just listened to Luke then none of this would be happening" My voice breaks by the end of my speech as tears leak from my eyes and make a run for it.

"It's not your fault, Lucy. You just wanted to have some fun and Luke let you. We shouldn't judge you for this one mistake. People make mistakes and learn from them" She says sternly.


"No buts young lady" She jokes and I release a weird sobbing and laughing sound. After a few beats of silence,she speaks again. "Where is Nora? I haven't heard from her ever since we found out you were pregnant" I tense up at the mentioning of Nora. Her name tastes like posion on my lips.

She is still a bitch and still makes my life at school a living hell. I have removed everything related to her from my life including her number. Never thought that my one friend would just turn on me the moment I become pregnant. She should have been here comforting me and watches movies with me as we stuff our faces with food.

"She turned her back on me" I spit. "As soon as she found out about me and him, she became an enemy to me" I make sure not to mention anything about the bullying that is still continuing because I don't want her to get worried.

"Oh sweetie, I am so sorry" She coos and squeezes me. I scoff.

"Don't be sorry mom. I don't care anymore. She can go on with her new friends. I really don't care"

And I never will.


The weekend. The weekend is here yet again and I'm dreading it.


Luke is throwing another party. But the catch is that I'll be locked in my room. Literally. But I will have the key with me. Mom and Dad were a bit reluctant on letting him throw the party so they made a deal with him. He'll talk to me and apologise for his behaviour towards me then he can throw a party.

They left yesterday at around midnight because they had a business trip and will be back Tuesday. 

Little did they know that Luke still hasn't spoken to me. Hell, he'll probably make me lie to my parents and say that he did speak to me. It hurts me that he can't even look at me anymore. It hurts that he is now just an acquaintance to yet he's my brother. I wonder if he's hurt about our relationship status too.

Right now, I'm on a phone call with Alec. We've been speaking for atleast three hours.

"So he's really throwing a party?" Alec asks, annoyance dripping with every word.

"It's literally on full swing right now. Can't you hear the loud music?" I sigh.

"I can. I'm just baffled over the fact that he's throwing a party when the last one didn't end well. Or am I the only who thinks this is wrong?"

"No. No your not the only one but there's nothing we can do, Al. If he wants to throw one then he can, I'm not going to stop him. I'll just be in my room everytime he throws one"

"Fine" He sighs. I can imagine him running his strong and veiny hand on his beautiful face and it has me blushing. Oh my. "You know what?" He trails of as if he just figured out that he's the son of Zeus.

Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised.

"What?" I ask intrigued.

"I'm coming over" I hear some shuffling over the line. He must be getting dressed.

"What why?" I shoot up. Looking down at my outfit, I cringe. I don't think he'd want to see my in my dad's shirt and he's cotton pants. My hair is in an extremely messy bun and my face is all flushed and greasy.

"To keep you company, duh" I hear a car beep in notification that it's open then a car door slam shut.

"But I'm not dressed properly" I groan.

"I really don't care, Lucy. It doesn't even matter what your wearing. You can even be naked, I really wouldn't mind" I can hear the smirk in his voice and I roll my eyes.

"Okay. Don't say I didn't warn you. Don't be surpised when you see someone who looks like she went through the struggles of life from the 90's" I joke and get comfortable under my covers.

"Only you would look like that, Lu. Only you" He mumbles before hanging up. I chuckle and throw my phone next to me with a huff.

A few minutes later, an urgent knock sounds through my room and I furrow my eyebrows. Why would Alec knock so urgently?

Right, because he's a big goofball.

"Are you getting chased by.." I trail of, my words dying in my throat as soon as I open the door. "Zombies" I mumble silently. He pushes me inside and locks the door behind him.

"What are you doing in here? Aren't you supposed to be downstairs sucking some bimbo's face?" I retort sarcastically, folding my arms above my belly.

"I'm here to talk to you" He simply says.

Ha! How funny.

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