Chapter 34

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The drive back to my house is silent but comfortable. The only sounds that are present are the roar of the engine,the music playing softly in the background and our breathing.

Moments like these remind me that with Alec,I don't have the need to fill the silence. We can just be quiet and listen to our breathing without it being awkward.

After he parks the car in my driveway,he walks me to the door.

"Did you have fun today?" He asks and I nod,a grin playing on both our lips.

"Yes. I did. Thank you,Alec. I don't know where I'd be without you" I gratefully say,honesty clear in my voice. He smiles at me and nods.

"So..are we going to talk about that kiss at the movies?" He trails of awkwardly,his cheeks lightly shaded as he mindlessly plays with his fingers.

I blush. "I'm sorry about that. I don't know what got into me"

"No. No" He quickly says furrowing his thick eyebrows. "Don't apologise. I liked it. Alot"

"You did? There wasn't bad breath or too much tongue?" I squeak and he shakes his head.

"No. It was perfect. I'd like to keep doing that though"

"Sure" I grin. He leans forward and places a hand on my cheek then connects our lips.

I smile through the kiss and put my hands on his chest. Where are the sparks and butterflies I am supposed to feel?

We pull away after a few seconds with face splitting grins on our faces. Alec is a good kisser.

Not as good as Cole though. My subconscious adds and my grin falters a bit.

"I'll see you Wednesday" He whispers then climbs in his car and drives off,not giving me enough time to collect myself.

I walk in and find Luke and my parents behaving suspicious. Oh I wonder why. Note the sarcasm.

"Hey" I smile before quickly trying to escape the questions that are about to pop out of my family.

Since I'm pregnant and all that,they easily catch up to me and block the stairs. "Is something wrong?" I ask innocently,batting my eyelashes at them.

"Are you guys together now?" That's my mom.

"Don't ever kiss him again" That's dad's command.

"I'm going to kill him" That's Luke's threat.

Ah. I love my family.

I sigh and answer them accordingly. "No. Why not? I will disown you" I say as calm as the low tide. Both Luke and dad grumble in irritation. "I'm going to his parents house Wednesday" I blurt and immediately regret it.

Mom beams at me while the men of the house scowl even more. Come to think of it,isn't it too early for me to be meeting Alec and Cole's parents? I mean,I do want to meet them for another reason me meeting them because Alec wants me to or what? Are we moving too fast? Am I even ready to be in a relationship with someone close to Cole?

Maybe I shouldn't think about it so much.

"Isn't it too early for the whole 'meet the parents' thing?" Cole grumbles. I sigh and rub my eyes.

I'm too tired for this.

"Mom. Dad. Luke. I'm going to bed. I'll see you tomorrow" I mumble tiredly. Deciding to take a chance,I ask. "Dad,can you carry me to bed?" I ask sweetly.

"Not a chance" He deadpans and walks away.

I sigh before facing Luke. "Luke?" I ask. He snorts and sprints to his room. "Do these people not love me anymore?" I mumble before climbing up the stairs to my room.

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