Chapter 29

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"I had fun today, Alec" I grin, reaching up on my toes to kiss his cheek. A bit of read tints his cheek as I pull away and I giggle.

"I'm glad you did. See you at school?" He says and I nod, feeling all giddy inside.

It's a shame those annoying butterflies aren't fluttering around in my belly. Weird.

"Bye" I say and walk inside my house.

"Bye" He whispers as I shut the door. I lean against the door and lightly squeal.

A face splitting grin is plastered on my face as I ascend up the stairs to my room. As I'm opening my door, the door to my parents room bursts open and my family pours out and pushes me into my room.

I panic a bit, thinking something is wrong but once I take notice of the scowl on my dad's face and the grins on both my mother and Luke's face I start feeling nervous.

"What's up guys?" I nervously say, waving slightly at them as I awkwardly shuffle on my feet. I make a mental note to paint my nails, I don't think they look that good. Even if I can't see them right now.

"Who were you on a date with?"
"How was the date?"
"Did you guys fuck?" Are the questions that pour out my family's mouths a minute after I spoke. The last question obviously asked by Luke, earning a scold and glare from our parents.

"Alec. It was very nice. And no" I answer they're questions truthfully, scowling at a frowning Luke. Why would he ask such a horrid question infront of our parents? Is he trying to get us into the awkward sex talk?

"Who is Alec?" Dad asks, his face scrunched in confusion and anger.

I sigh. "My friend. The one who is always eating from our frigde everytime he is here" I inform him and he nods. I can see a bit of approval on his face and I internally sigh in relief. Dad actually likes Alec.

"And why wasn't I informed?" Dad sternly asks, glaring at all of us, more especially mom. She smiles in guilt and gives him a sloppy kiss on the lips, making me and Luke cringe in disgust.


"Yeah. Mom, dad we are still here" Luke says, his nose scrunched up as he fakes a gag.

Mom giggles. "It was Lucy's secret so if she gave me the green light to tell you then I would" Dad nods, understanding that we didn't intentionally hide this from him.

"So where did he take you? Some fancy restaurant? I'm pretty sure that kid is loaded, right?" Luke rambles.

I snort. "None of your bizzwax" I retort.

"Do people still say that?" Luke mumbles.

"Shut up" I stick my tongue out at him. "Now, all of you skiddadle out of my room. I'd like to get some rest, the baby is kicking like crazy" I tell them, yawning as I shoo them out my room.

They slip out but not without a kiss on the cheek and forehead and ruffling my hair. I change into my sleepwear and climb in the bed with a content sigh.


"Come on you slow poke!" Alec yells from outside. I roll my eyes grabbing my bag and walk to his car glaring at him.

You'd think he soften up because it's my last day at school. My last day of highschool.

Am I sad about it? Not that much. Am I happy about it? Most definitely. The fact that I'll be away from Mindy and Nora has me internally jumping with joy. Though sitting at home alone is going to get very boring. Knowing Luke, he is going to use this opportunity to irritate me until I feel like killing myself. Yes, he can get that annoying.

Maybe I should visit the local library more. Spend my time reading romance books (mostly about werewolves or other supernatural creatures) and the diner nearby. I heard it has muffins and coffee to die for. Yum.

" was the rest of your weekend?" Alec breaks me from my thoughts and I blink at him, slightly turning pink.

"Uhm...I baked some cookies. Which is always fun for me. Read a few books and uhm..slept" I mentally cringe at how boring I sound. He must really regret bringing me on that date.

He just laughs, seeming amused at my answer. "Don't worry, Lu. I don't do much during the weekends either. I just visit the aquarium or read my favourite comic books all day. If I'm not doing all of that then I'm working" He says.

My eyebrows shoot up at the mention of him working. He works? But why though? Isn't his family like filthy rich? More so because his mother is married to Cole's father. Who by the way, owns Grey Industries. The biggest company in the world. Micheal Grey's salary could pay a trip around the world plus my college tuition, rent, daily necessities and baby stuff.

Yes, he is stinking rich. Almost like Montgomery Goth from The Sims but richer.

"Why work when you have enough money to last you for decades?" I ask quite curious to hear his reply.

"I don't like being dependent. I like the feeling of spending my own hard earned money rather than using Mr. Grey's credit card"

"How is it like living with him?"

"It's uh..uhm..I don't know how to answer that because he is almost never home" He snorts as his fingers drum a tune on the steering wheel from his head .

"And how does your mom feel about that?" I ask. I don't think I'd be happy being married to someone who works 24/7 and doesn't make time for both me and our kids. I would feel unwanted. I'd pack my bags and leave without looking back.

"She is coping with it. There's not much she can do since he is practically providing for all of us. I do hear her sobbing in their room sometimes but I'm hesitant on approaching her about it" He says, his almond shaped eyes bore through my brown ones. His gaze is making me nervous.

I discreetly wipe my palms on my dress and clear my throat. "I'm really sorry about that Alec. I wish there was something I can do to help you" I say sincerely, placing a hand on his. An act of kindness.

"Well there is.." He trails of, clearing his throat.

"And that is?" I raise my eyebrow, urging him to continue.

"You could speak to her. Maybe she'll open up to you since your a woman. I doubt she'll say something to me because I'm her son and she wants to come of strong for me. You could speak to her. Next week Wednesday" He tells me and I nod. My heart swells at the love he has for his mother.

"Are you indirectly inviting me for dinner with your family Mr. Hartwell?" I tease, my cheeks already tinted.

He chuckles with a nod. "Yes. Yes I am"

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