Chapter 33

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"Alec!! Alec wait!" I yell as I hurry after him. I huff and puff but carry on jogging after him nonetheless.

He comes to a complete halt before slowly turning around to face me. "Oh. Lucy. I didn't see you" He lies,plastering the fakest smile I've ever seen.

"It wasn't what it looked like" I grimace at the most cliche lie ever told. I mentally face palm at my stupidity.

"What are you talking about?" He plays dumb and I purse my lips. I wring my fingers together and clear my throat,to prepare myself for the explaination I'm about to say.

"I know it looks like I was kissing Cole-okay,I was but he initiated the kiss and I shou-No" I deeply breathe in. "I'm sorry. I should have pushed him away but I didn't and for that I'm sorry" I stare up at his chocolatey eyes with blurry eyes. "It was a spur of the moment thing and I regret it" Lie.

I should be regretting it but I don't. I feel guilty for it but I don't regret it. At some point I did wish it was Alec I was kissing but that didn't last long.

Cole's lips are just as soft as I remember them. The way he moves his tongue so skilfully has me dripping wet. These feelings and thoughts shouldn't even be in my mind but they are.

For some dumb reason,I can't seem to get him out of my mind. I've tried so many things to help me forget but it just proves to be difficult.

Alec is so sweet and he doesn't deserve someone like me. Someone who is still hung up on a very sexy douchebag called Cole Grey.

"Lucy" He sighs. "It's okay. I just got a little jealous,that's all. We're not dating so I don't have a reason to be mad at you. You can do anything you want,we're not dating" He says and I nod.

Sure,his words are true but I can't help but feel guilty of my actions. He seems really interested in me but I'm too busy drooling over someone who doesn't even respect me yet Alec does. Again,I don't regret kissing Cole,I just feel guilty about it because it hurt Alec and he is my best friend.

"I'm really sorry,Alec" I apologise again. He smiles softly before wrapping his lean arms around me. I wrap mine around his neck and play with the hair on his nape.

"It's okay. Don't apologise" He whispers in my ear. I expect a shiver just as I do when Cole whispers in my ear yet it doesn't happen. I frown a little but push it to the back of my mind.

"Why aren't you at school anyways?" I chuckle as soon as we pull away.

He shrugs. "I knew I'd find you here so I wanted to surprise you" He explains.

"You legit skipped school just because you wanted to surprise me?" I tease before laughing. He just nods and grins.

"Come on,I want to take you somewhere" He says before grabbing my arm and pulling me to his car.

"Another date? Don't you think your moving a little too fast there mister? I am already meeting your parents tomorrow" I joke and he laughs,reversing out the parking lot.

"I thought you wouldn't mind" He says.

"I don't" I grin before facing the window.

"Good" He mutters.


"You took me to the movies? We could have just watched something in mine or your room,Al" I exclaim,swatting at his laughing face.

"Where's the fun in that?" He retorts as his laughter fills the car. I shake my head and sigh.

"You know how I feel about you spending money on me" I say with a pout. He stares at my lips for a second before blinking at me.

"Am I not allowed to spoil the woman who had my heart in the palm of her heart?" He says,his tone slightly teasing but I still notice the seriousness in it. I blush before climbing out the car after him.

"Two tickets for The Lion King please" He politely speaks to the lady behind the counter who is chewing her bubblegum like there's no tomorrow.

Is your mouth incapable of shutting as you chew!! I want to scream but bite my lip to refrain from doing so.

After receiving our tickets and 3D glasses,Alec thanks the lady before we make our way to buy some snacks.

"Never pegged you for the animation type" I joke and bump my hip with his.

"I'm not. But you are" He simply says,successfully shutting me up.

We pour our favourite spices-mine is salt and vinegar-in our popcorn before grabbing our slushies and make our way inside the cinema.

Alec and I hand our tickets to the teenager looming at the door then enter. We walk and sit at the top to get a better view of the movie.


Half way through the movie,I feel Alec's eyes on me. I turn my head and face him before giving him a small smile. He smiles back before facing the screen again.

What was that?

Okay,Lucy. To make him believe that you really like him,just turn around and grab his face then smash your lips together.

Should be easy right?

I let out a shaky breath then quickly grab his face and connect our lips before I change my mind.

At first he stays still and I start panicking,thinking he doesn't want to kiss me but he slowly starts moving his lips with mine.

Heesh. For a minute I thought he wasn't going to kiss me back. That would have been hurtful. Very hurtful.

Our lips mould together but for some reason. It doesn't feel...right. like there is something missing.

No. Nothing is missing. Alec is a very good kisser and I shouldn't be comparing him to Cole. He is probably in his room fucking Mindy or something.

His hands grab my waist and pull me closer to him. I ignore the pain shooting up my side because of the handle and focus on kissing Alec.

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