Chapter 24

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"And then you will calculate the circumference of the circle..." The teacher's voice drawls as I stare at the clock above the whiteboard. The hands of it moving so slow, making me feel a bit irritated.

It's the last period and as soon as the bell rings for the end of school, I will find Luke parked in the lot waiting for me so we can drive straight to the doctor.

I haven't seen Cole the whole day and it's concerning me. Will he even show up for the appointment? I know better than to expect him to. It is Cole Grey we are talking about here. It's either he will be late or he won't show up at all. I wouldn't be so surprised if he decided not to come but I would be disappointed. I do think he wants to mame amends with me.

I've decided to find out the gender of the baby today after stalling for months. Sure, I decided to do so because Cole might be there but I also did it for myself. It's killing me that I don't know what gender my baby is but I know that whatever gender it is, I'll love it no matter what.

The shrill of the bell has me jumping out my seat and rushing out the building in a hurry.

I do hope he is coming.

"What are you running away from?" Luke teases as soon as I climb inside the car.

"Zombies" I breathe. "They've invaded our school and I didn't want to get infected" He chuckles and begins driving. I text Alec that I'll see him tomorrow for our date then shut my phone and place it on my lap. The anxiety is already eating me up and I'm really nervous.

"Since Alec is going to be there, why didn't he take you to the doctor's?" Luke asks. I rack my brain for a good excuse before answering.

"Because he has to make a stop back to his house first" I reply shortly, keeping my reason simple and non-suspicious.

"So did he ask you out?" He asks and I sigh. I should have known he was behind all of this.

"Why did you tell him to ask me out?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I just told him to man up and tell you how he feels. At first he denied it but then admitted that he felt something for you so I told him to ask you out because you definitely feel the same" He informs, pursing his lips.

"Hmm" I hum. "Okay"


He is still not here. Its been twenty minutes and he still hasn't arrived. I'm starting to think he isn't go to show up and it disappoints me. I told Luke to leave as soon as he dropped me of,claiming that "Alec" will drop me of back home.

In five minutes, my name will be announced for my appointment and it's making me feel a little irked. I pick on my nails as I stare at the ticking clock on the wall beside the flat screen tv in the waiting area.

Lots of people have been staring at me for the twenty minutes that I have been here and it's starting to annoy me. Most of their looks are out of sympathy but the other looks are out of disgust.

What in the fuck! Have you never seen a pregnant teenager before? Your kids have more sex than I ever will and you don't even know it! I roll my eyes at the disgusting human behaviour before me.

"Lucy Banes!" A voice yells, breaking me from my trance. I get up and greet the red head nurse politely. She gently smiles at me and tells me to follow her to Dr. Collins' office.

He still isn't here. He still hasn't shown up. I should have expected less in the first place. I knew he wasn't serious yet I believed him like the idiot that I am.

When will I learn my lesson. Never expect more from Cole Grey. He will most definitely disappoint you.

When we reach Dr. Collins' office, the nurse smiles at me one last time before walking back into the hallway we came from. I gently knock on the door and a small feminine voice tells me to come in.

Dr. Collins sits behind her desk with big glasses on her nose, a stethoscope wrapped over her neck and a white coat over her doctor clothes. Her desk has a silicone module of the womb with a baby inside that you can take out.

"Hello, Dr. Collins" I greet smiling and take a seat infront of her desk. Damn I'm getting really big.

"Ohh stop with the formalities, dear. Just call me Betty" She playfully scolds me and waves her hand. "How are you dear?" She asks.

I let out a deep breath before answering her. "I'm doing well. The cravings have been killing me though and the back pains too" I tell her.

She nods and scribbles down on her clipboard. "And school?"

"The same. Nothing much has changed"

"Okay, dear" She smiles. "You can climb on the bed and lift your hoodie so we can begin" She directs and points to the large hospital bed sitting near the window with the machine thingy beside it.

I do as she says and try climbing up the bed but with my big stomach, I found it very difficult. The door rips open and a male figure stands in it, looking distressed and as though it has ran a whole field to get here.

There he is.

He came.

He actually came.

He is here.

Cole is here.


Hey there Marshmallows 💙 its a short chapter because I wanted to make it a cliffhanger😉 tell me what you think of the story so far.

Stay home stay safe😘

Love yall
Fezikhumalo ❤❤

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