Chapter 15

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"What lies has she fed you already, Alec?" Cole asks, ripping Mindy's claws of his arm before crossing his arms.

"Lies?" Alec scoffs and rolls his eyes. "She didn't feed me any lies, Cole. You just have a problem with everyone who doesn't want to follow your lead"

You couldn't have said it any better,Alec.

"Watch it, pretty boy. I can ruin your life in a heartbeat. Don't forget I hold the upper hand between the both of us here" Cole snaps. His arms uncross and his fists clench and unclench beside him.

"Is there a problem here?" A strong male voice asks from the entrance of the cafeteria.

Alec huffs and gives me an apologetic look. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion at that before heavily sighing.

"No, Principal Michaels. Alec and I here were just introducing ourselves" Cole skilfully lies, fooling our principal.

Have my eyes been opened further? If he can lie so easily, has he lied to us a few times without us even noticing? How long has this I'm always honest facade been going on?

Principal Michaels nods firmly before walking out.

"I'd be careful if I were you. I heard she's a huge freak in the sheets but will dump you like trash the next day" Mindy snarks. She smirks at me and winks before sauntering off with Cole and his crowd.

Is it me or did that smirk and wink mean something else. Has she finished planning her evil scheme to ruin my life until I have absolutely nothing left?

Alec and I take our seats again with a sigh then continue lunch in silence.


Turns out Alec shares the rest of the classes with me. I swear, I tried scaring him away for his own benefit but he saw straight through my lies. Be just laughed and wrapped his arm around my neck. I blushed at the contact and smiled at his goofiness.

I really did ask him whether he was okay with sitting in the front but he just said "I'm not ashamed about being your friend, Lucy. If sitting in the front is something I have to do to be your friend then I don't mind"

My heart fluttered at his words and heat creeped up my cheeks. In every class was spent with Alec making jokes and me trying so hard to stifle my laughs.

Alec is really funny.

"I'd like for us to hang out today. I really want to know more about Lucy Banes" He whispers in my ear from beside me. We're now in our last period of the day, History.

"You sure your ready to meet her? I heard she has a lot of baggage" I whisper back.

I hear him chuckle before I feel his hot breath near my ear. A shiver runs down my spine as I bite my lip.

"I can handle a little baggage"

Before I can weakly reply to his comment,the snapping of a pencil has me and the rest of the class turning our heads to the source of the sound.

We all have confused faces as we take note of Cole's snapped in two pencil,each piece in a clenched fist. He is huffing in what seems to be anger. His nose is flaring and he is shooting daggers at...Alec?

I look at Alec and he shrugs.

"Is everything okay, Mr. Grey?" Our history teacher asks, lowering the book she was reading so she can look at Cole through her big glasses.

"Oh everything is just peachy, Mrs. Lee. Just peachy" He grits through his teeth. If he keeps doing that his teeth will fall out. Most definitely.

Having nothing else to do anymore, I turn my attention to Alec.

"So where are we going?" I ask him.

"You like ice cream right?"

"Well duh, Alec" I roll my eyes.

"Good. We're going to get some ice cream and get to know each other" He says proudly as if he said he knows how to cure cancer.

"Well this is going to be fun" I mumble to myself.


"Why would you do that?!" I exclaim laughing.

As soon as the bell rang, we went to our lockers then met up again in the parking lot. Alec drove us to Bob's Ice Cream Shop which is the shop near my secret spot.

We have been sharing stories as soon as we climbed into his car.

"I was young and curious!" Alec defends, laughing with me.

"Your stupid" I snort.

"No. Your stupid" He mocks me.

"Whatever, Hartwell" I mumble and lick my spoon of ice cream.

"So are we going to ignore the fact that the father of your baby treats you like you pissed on him" He nonchalantly says and drink his melted ice cream.

I choke on my dessert and stare at him with wide eyes like some dumbo. How did he even know?

"I'm pretty observant" He answers my unasked question. I sigh and stir the contents in my cup.

"I don't know and...I don't care. He can do whatever he wants" I mumble.

I wince at the pain twisting in my heart at the mention of Cole's behaviour towards me. No matter how many times I try to forget the pain, it comes back ten times stronger.

"I just can't seem to fathom why he bullies someone who is carrying his own child. It's just so confusing" He says.

"Yeah, me neither"

"I always knew something was wrong with that prick. He always gets under my skin. It's even worse now that he's my step-brother and I have to live with him. How does his father even deal wit-"

"Step-brother?" I cut him off. 

"Uh, yeah" He mumbles and rubs the back of his neck nervously, a sheepish smile playing on his pale lips.

"So you and your mom moved here from Bagesburg because..." I trail off.

"Because my mother is married to Cole's father. Though Cole doesn't want anyone to know and even though I hate to say this but I agree with him. I'm not happy that I'm now his" He fakes a gag. "Step-brother"

"Well that must be horrible" I retort, snorting at his distress.

"It's hell. It's really hel-ohh shit" I panic at the expression on his face,thinking there's a ghost behind me.

"What" I hiss.

"Cole's here. Where exactly? Right behind you" He says with a grimace on his face. I wince at his words and sigh.

Here we go.

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