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Jennie's POV

“mommy, daddy where are we?” I ask because it’s a new place for me, though my family are always asking me to dress up nicely because we are joining some events with elites almost 5 times per week.

My parents are always busy because of work, I’m glad they are bringing me to spare time with me as their only child.

I’m not a spoiled brat who threw tantrums and complains in everything unlike other kids.

I’m thankful of everything they give especially the love.

They are the best parents with or without wealth. I’m Jennie kim 6 years old and now I’m confused because I’m at a huge place and there’s a piano in the stage.

"Welcome to the annual celebration of the elites worldwide I’m glad that the world’s best entrepreneurs, investors and elites are gathered here to celebrate the success. Now for the opening performance I will now introduce the daughter of the main elites from Thailand PRANPRIYA MANOBAN" the announcer said

“jennie look at her she is the daughter of your uncle marco, she’s good isn’t” mom said looking at my amazed face the time I hear the first sound her piano released.

“are you kidding me mommy?” I said in insulting tone

“jennie watch your attitude” My dad whispered

“THIS IS THE BEST PIANIST I’VE EVER HEARD” I said enthusiastically standing up to focus more at the girl who’s playing piano, she’s kinda cute I wanna be friend with her just like my cousin jisoo unnie and chaeyoungie.

They are my friends because our parents are friends that’s why this girl Is positive to be my friend. But where exactly is thailand? I ignore my self talking and focus until the piece was finished

The piece was done and the people began the party clicking of utensils and wine glasses clanging is around the place while the attention of the little girl remains in the pianist.

She was finding her, and guess what she’s surounded by the old people congratulating her just like people around jennie earlier.

“Mommy can I go somewhere?” I said tugging my mom’s dress lightly to take her attention but dad caught me

“where exactly is somewhere little lady?” my dad asks

“i- i want to be her friend” I pointed at Lisa who’s bowing down in every people that congratulates her

“gooooosh she will break her own spine with that” I whispered in myself
Dad carry me going to the table where that Lalisa is

“Good day my friend” my dad changed his accent clasps his hands and bow lightly to the big man in front of us I can’t see his face he’s really huge I think he’s santa
The big man also did the greeting to jennie’s dad and talk to him

“SANTA!” I yelled and all of them laughs

“Omayghad daddy are you really santa?” the small girl appeared from his left side
Oh! That was Lalisa
I waved my hand to sign hi
She clasps his hands and bow lightly just like what my dad did earlier so i did to

“sawadee khap” Lalisa said

“what?” I’m confused what is sawadee khap

“oh sorry you don’t understand?” Lalisa said frowning her eyebrows

“yes” I nod

“how about english” lalisa asked taking his hand from her father’s fingers
I nod again as response.

“i’m Pranpriya Manoban 5 years old, nice to meet you, you can also call me priya if you want” Lalisa said

“okay from now on I’ll call you pran when I see you. I’m Kim jennie 6 years old call me nini. You play so good earlier I want to be like you” I said grabbing her hand. It is the first time I accept someone in my life excitedly I really admire her.

She’s a genius good at playing piano and she’s smart at the young age. I want a younger sister like her but my parents can’t have another kid because of mommy’s health issues.

The party is really usually boring but now jennie had accompany the event is now thrilled.

The two kids talks about their dresses, toys and other thing that normal kids talk about. Especially thailand because jennie seems to be curious about their language.

“your dad looks like santa” I said while pointing pran’s father

“i think he is the real santa too. But he don’t admit” pran said

“are you accepting every christmas wish you had?” I asked because my wishes on christmas are always granted maybe I’m a nice girl

“yes I am, I’m so happy that it is always granted” pran said excitedly

“what are the things you always wish?” I asked because she seems so excited

“hmmm… A lot of toys for boys and girls!” she said while her eyes looks like beaming.

“you’re a girl so why are you requesting a toy for a boy?” I asks because it seems that there’s something different on her wish.

“oh that’s not for me. That is for the orphanage. They also buy me toys but I refuse to have one because I have piano and that’s enough, i don’t like playing toys actually because I enjoy playing piano already.” pran said

“what is orphanage?” I asked because it is new to my ears

“there is the home of the kids without parents. They don’t have my daddy to bring them toys so that’s why instead buying or making toys for me, I prefer to give them to those kids who doesn’t have my daddy so that they experience the happiness I feel, besides I can’t imagine how hard it is to live without parents that’s why I’m amazed of their strength to carry on” she says then smile so wide

Pran is really good she also care for others, that’s what I thought and since then I’ll do it to other orphanage. I’ll request it to my parents because I already had a lot of toys.

“how did you learn how to play piano” I ask because it seems fun to play

“it all started when I hear piano then I saw it I ask how to play it then they teach me, I learned it already when I hear and watched it.

To improve my knowledge faster my parents hired a piano teacher.

She teach me well but you know honestly I don’t get it, I can’t read music notes, I can’t remember when they use letters. So I found my own way to play it.

Then I discovered it is easier to play when I use numbers.

Since then i translate notes into numbers to understand more that’s why I learn faster. Playing is up to you.” pranpriya said while having a serious face.

I remain silent for a moment realizing the things she says. She’s a good and smart person I want to be like her too.
I want to be with her for the rest of our lives.

After the party its time to bid goodbyes pran and I hugged then separate ways.

I tell the story to mom and dad how I make friends to pran and how amazing she is despite the young age that’s why I want to be like her. 

A pianist and a good person.

A.n. i changed lili to pranpriya because i have to do something to connect to the plot

Ballad of Lalalisa (JENLISA) completedWhere stories live. Discover now