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After they eat breakfast the girls prepare themselves to go as jennie decided to come with Lisa in the training she mentioned

"who is the guy that will pick you up later anyway?" Jennie asks thinking that Lisa may have a boyfriend right now the thought of it slightly hurts her.

"Ahmmm Jungkook oppa, Momo-san, Bambam, Jackson oppa" Lisa said while eating

"daddy can I come with her?" Jennie called her father in the phone

"Okay fine but don't forget your violin practice" Mr. Kim said

"what are you training btw?" Jennie asks

"Archery unnie" Lisa answered

"archers supposed to have a good vision right? you are wearing eye glasses it mean you have a bad eyesight" Jennie looks at lisa in her eyes

"ahm unnie they are accepting people with bad eyesight as long as they are wearing contact lenses or eye glasses if they want.

But anyway my left eye is blurry without eye glasses while my right eye is fine according to my ophthalmologist.

Also we are not using the prescrip glasses that I'm wearing right now this is only for eye protection, the eyeglasses when I'm playing are different. You'll see later when we go there" Lisa answered

"Ohhh that's good to know anyway Lili-yah call Jisoo-unnie and rosie tell them I wanna hang out after their practice if they had a practice" Jennie says then winks at Lisa to remind her that she didn't forget what happened early in the morning.

They hear a doorbell rang

"Lisa-yah you're friends are here!" a maid called Lisa because her friends arrived.

"I'll leave with Lisa. I called dad for permission and he allows me" Jennie said to the maid

"Okay, take care young lady. Call me when you need me and before you arrive okay?" The maid said

"Yes" Jennie and Lisa said in chorus

An SUV in front of Kim's mansion arrived. Lisa went in with Jennie. Hee-chul is driving while momo sat in the shotgun seat in the right.

Lisa: Nini-unnie they are my team in archery Jackson he is from hong kong 1st year highschool, Bambam from thailand 3rd year middle school like me, Momo-san from Japan 2nd year highschool, Momo unnie's boyfriend Heechul oppa 3rd year highschool, then ju-

Jungkook: Jennie-yah long time no see.

Jennie: You too oppa. You look so handsome

Jungkook: (turn away to hide blushing face) aigoo Jennie-yah you're still a sweet talker

Jennie: Oppa it's true!

Jungkook: Anyway Jennie aren't you suppose to be with Jisoo and Rosé?

Jennie: I will later. but first i want to see Lisa play archery

Jungkook: Supporting You're girlfriend?

Jennie: OPPAAAA!

Ballad of Lalalisa (JENLISA) completedWhere stories live. Discover now