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Mina: Oh what a cool feather. It's blue... it's rare but it'll look good in sana's Oboe.

Sana is just following her footsteps and stop as mina pick up the feather

Mina: here...

Sana: what is it?

Mina: A blue feather it looks good in your oboe. It's up to you if you use it, the accuracy might change. Better stick in white feather

Sana: Thanks i'll keep it.
*she grabs the feather immediately

They are the earliest to arrive in the music room and they settle themselves

Mina: hey the piece that we are going to play is so good... there's a text book story behind it. I read it when i was a child and i can't forget it.

Sana:what is it about?

Mina: it is about Liz and the Bluebird. I bought the textbook with me
*she opened her bag and give the textbook to sana*

Mina: the Liz and the bluebird is just like us i think.

Since then sana think a lot of the story and read it after and before practices to understand the feeling of Liz because the Oboe will voice out Liz while the flute will voice over the bird.

In the story Liz is living alone in a peaceful village and working at the bakery for a living. In her day offs she's having a bonding with animals in the forest near her house.

In the morning a blue bird will always appear but she ran out of bread to feed the bird as the animals around her took it first.

One night a storm has arrived and as usual Liz is alone in the darkness only a candle is with her.

In the morning it became a sunny day so Liz go out to feel the sunlight.

But she saw a little girl with a blue hair.

She's cute and innocent her name is Tori. Since then Liz bring her in the bakery to work with her.

Cook for a meal together, and sleep with each other.

In the morning Liz always see a blue bird's feather in her window.

She wondered why but then shrugged it off.

While doing the laundry a towel flew in the sky and Tori tried to jump to reach it but it's too high.

Tori suddenly fell her face down and Liz noticed it but then tori cover it up with a smile on her face.

Since then Liz see tori's actions as suspicious but not in a bad way.

Every morning is still the same she woke up in an open window with a blue feather in it.

It'll be a rainy season soon and Liz suddenly remember that birds are migrating to different places in every season.

She thinks that tori was a bird and need to be free so that she can be with her kind.

Liz think of it a lot before the week ends. She doesn't want tori to be apart from her, she's attached to her.

But in the same time tori will only grow as an individual if she set her free.

Tori obviously hates the idea of Liz setting her free because she's alone, it feels like home to be with her and they promise to be with each other forever.

The others are quietly reading with her at the back

"Eh? What? What if the tori comes back to Liz in every change of season?" Jihyo utters

Ballad of Lalalisa (JENLISA) completedWhere stories live. Discover now