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It's been 3 days since Jennie's birthday celebration after the fun went on the other day jennie and I decided to take a break doing nothing for the first week of golden 2 weeks semester break. Jennie and i made a deal to not train while at golden week. It's just the first day of golden week jennie has no plans yet but to netflix and chill again.

We are now having a breakfast with mommy and daddy

Mr. Kim: hey my princesses how about you join us in our business trip since you have a golden week?

Mrs. Kim: sounds good sweetie, what about you kids?

Jennie: for how many days?

Mr. Kim: from this day and then we'll leave after 1 weeks and 5 days....

Jennie: How about we follow you there after 3 or 5 days? Because we still wanna hang out with our friends

Mrs. Kim: will you two be okay here?

Lisa: yes we will mommy we have Nana and other maids after all

Jennie: we will promise to update you

Mr. Kim: okay buddy. So jennie you are the adult here you know what to do you'll be in charge. Don't get you and lisa to be in trouble okay?

Lisa: yes dad you already know us so yeah as usual

Mr. Kim: make her move, sweat and see the sunlight okay? She might do what she did again last golden week

Lisa:oh yes that one HAHAHAH i will dad

Mr. Kim: that's my buddy!

Mrs. Kim: we will be late in flight we have to go... see you soon my princesses

Mr. and Mrs. Kim kissed the girls' faces and hugged them tight

Jennie: bye mom and dad we'll get ready to meet the squad later we'll be home before dinner

Mr. Kim: take care and lisa buddy protect her. No clubs, just party here with your friends

Lisa: i will daddy. About the party maybe we will thankyou dad

Mr. And Mrs. Kim left the mansion and it is now jennie and lisa in the dinning room

"honey... get ready we'll met the squad at bambam's" jennie commanded while taking their plates into the sink

"Why? I thought we are just chilling?" I said while helping her to clean up

"Lookz like someone don't want to sweat, move and see mr. Sunlight HAHAHAHHA" jennie chuckled

"You two leave that dishes i' clean it up. Get ready for your hang out" Nana said

We just nod and obeyed what she said

"Lisayah wear this" jennie came in my room handing a duck outfit

"Eh?" I asks in confusion

"To blend in this is our theme okay just obeeeyyy" jennie begged

"Okay nini" i nod and wear the outfit


@bambam's restaurant

Jisoo, jennie and lisa are thr first people to came in the place they are all in costume

Jisoo, jennie and lisa are thr first people to came in the place they are all in costume

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