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Pranpriya's POV

party is exhausting because I played piano. I practice that piece while I have another piece to practice for upcoming competition.

I'm glad where here in korea already because the competition will happen in this country.

I don't want to go there but my mother and piano teacher insist I have fun playing in there what exhaust me is greeting the people, they are too much for me to handle, I'm glad a tall man approached my dad and introduced me his daughter Jennie Kim.

Well she's cute she also says that I was the greatest pianist she heard.

We also talk about things and she enthusiastically listen of my words, I think she thinks of me highly.

The day after the party
I was practicing for already 5 hours.

I don't have any mistake but I just keep on making sure that I memorized the numbers and sound without looking at the music sheet I translated.

They are pretty much calculated even the timing.

I made sure of it, I even think of it in my dreams.

Maybe that's the reason I played better.

"Pranpriya break for an hour then come back here" My coach said as she stood up.

"one more time" I said and bring back to playing

"you'll stop there or i'll make a sandwich using your hands and the cover of tiles" my coach go close to me and stare at me as if she's angry.

"but coach we only have 2 days" I said

"do you want to perform with pressure and exhaustion? If you want to be defeated sure. Don't rest, don't stop until you die kid" my coach is about to close the piano and I held her arms

"okay teacher I'll stop. But I don't have anyone to join me to eat and that's embarrassing" I said while looking at the floor ghad I'm so hungry, exhausted and sleepy but I want to make everything perfect and I'm shy to make a lot of request despite of what they offer.

"kid. You are my responsibility and I'll never leave you. If you don't have anyone I'm here for you. Do you understand me?" my coach said while wiping my tears

"thank you coach" i said in response while nodding then hug her tightly

"you're pretty obsessed with playing huh, your dad says even before sleeping you play piano until midnight and ignore them all the time, they can only see you when eating.

That's not a good habit for a kid, play with balance kid have fun and enjoy younger days.

Remember you play piano for fun not for living. If you'll understand what I am saying I'm sure you'll be open to have friends at your age kid.

And look at your silly hands full of bandage. What they might think of me I'm a terrible coach to spat your hand when you play wrong notes." she bend her knees to be with my height level and held my hands

My hands are full of bandages because I tried to fix my piano few days ago and the string scratch some of my skin.

I get scolded of it because I should protect my hands from harm because I'm a pianist I just learned it also few days ago when that happened.

Coach gave me a day off. After lunch I'll go home early because she restrict me from playing piano after a one run for this day then ordered me to go to sleep and comeback to her studio tomorrow.

"little miss are you ready for tomorrow?" my coach said. I ignored her word and my hands starting to shake and I can't even play. It is my first time playing piano competing with foreigners.

"this is what I am waiting for. You know it's okay to be nervous, show it to me and I'll gladly accept it.

You know I was at your age when I compete international too.

I'm so nervous but my accompanist or violinist she gave me strength that's your mother, chitthip.

You don't play with accompanist but I'm sure you inherit some of her attitude and aspects so you don't need accompanist for that.

Besides look at your progress from recent practice we had, you are devoted, passionate and you love what are you doing so what's the point of getting scared.

You practiced so hard and you deserve the best my kid." coach gave me a long speech with smile while handing me a water. I felt so inevitable I quickly chug the water and continue on playing.

It is true water helps on everything.

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