Chapter Two: High School is Hell

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High school was a lot less chaotic than his house, and it was definitely a lot more boring in comparison. Sure, the hallways were as crowded as the car packed with kids, but there was no yelling or screaming- just a big buzz of chatter as students interacted with each other.

He swiftly headed to homeroom, hopefully not drawing the eye of the certain somebodies he was avoiding. Homeroom was excellent- only his friends were in there. Well, his girlfriend too, but he was less nervous and more awkward being around her right now.

He swiftly made it to Mrs. Carren's room- Mrs. Carren insisted that she "wasn't a Karen because her name was spelled Carren and pronounced 'Serren'," but everyone in the class ignored that and called her Karen anyway. The desks were scooted together, so that friends could talk with friends while they waited for the useless class of homeroom to give way to their first period.

Dakota quickly spotted his only two friends- the weirdos of homeroom- sitting in the corner waiting for him. 

He sat down at the desk that they had scooted together for him.

"Oh, seems like the Sith Lord himself has finally arrived," snapped a girl- brown hair with pink money-pieces.

"When did you die your money pieces pink?" he asked in surprise, for it was completely out of character for his friend. Her real name was Sophia, but she went by "Soap" because Sophia was too girly for her. The nickname Soap completely contrasted her daily appearance, however, because she was often dressed in her favorite overalls and jacket that had grass stains and whatever-else stains on them.

She popped a bubble from her signature minty gum and huffed, rolling her eyes.

"Mom thought I was transitioning into a boy because I, 'wasn't girly enough,'" she said, very angrily, "So I replied, 'I wouldn't want to be a boy because boys are stupid'- no offense, guys-" Soap apologised to Dakota and their other friend Ethan, who was silently listening and playing with her hair, "Anyway, I was like, 'So, what if I was going to be trans, you transphobic-!' And then I blew up on her."

"Wow," commented Dakota.

"Yeah, and then, when I went to dye my money pieces again, she was like, 'I'm not paying for your money pieces unless they are pink!' And I just had to have my money pieces I mean, that's what makes!" she groaned, "So, I agreed. Now, I have this disgusting color on my head."

"I think it looks nice," commented Ethan, "It complements your skin tone perfectly." Ethan wanted to be a hairstylist, and always had his hands in someone's hair- Mostly Soap's though. He looked like Cinna from the hunger games except with long dreadlocks, and he looked a lot older than his age of eighteen. He always wore these god-awful, flowery button-up shirts, which he called fashion, and a subtle touch of make-up around his eyes.

However, whatever he wore, he looked pristinely beautiful in it. 

"Yeah...but...I was thinking about what mom said about transitioning," Soap said, while Ethan braided her hair for her. Soap was oblivious, but Dakota knew he had a big-time crush on Soap- which is why he always fixed her hair for her in the morning.

"Are you thinking of transitioning?" Dakota asked. Soap smacked him in the shoulder. 

"Did you not hear what I just said? No! Boys are stupid, and I don't want to be one...But girls are also stupid...and I don't think I want to be one of those either," she said.

"Non-binary, then?" Ethan suggested. Soap smiled.

"Exactly!" she said. Ethan chuckled at her enthusiasm. Then his chuckle died and he bit his lip. 

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