Chapter Twenty-One: The Screw-up?

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Dakota found himself observing Ethan's driving. Since he was still in the learning process of automobile function, he watched others' techniques. Ethan mostly went the speed limit whereas Nick sometimes went over the speed limit. Nick rested one hand on the gear shift and drove with the other, whereas Ethan always had two hands on the wheel.

Nick must drive more relaxed due to his experience, Dakota concluded.

Suddenly, from behind them, a siren wailed. Ethan suddenly tensed up from the obvious sound of a police car behind them.

"Relax," Soap replied, "You didn't do anything wrong. Just pull over and let them go past you. They're probably chasing someone else-" Ethan pulled over. The police car followed- "Or maybe not. What the hell did you do, Ethe?"

"Nothing!" Ethan replied, "I wasn't even a little bit over the speed limit! Sh*t." The members of the car grew silent as they heard the cop car's door open and shut. "You don't think it's some racist cop that's going to kill me do you?" whispered Ethan, his face pale with fear.

"Better not be," Soap growled protectively.

Suddenly a knock came at the window.

Ethan saw who it was, sighed, and rolled it down.

"Sir, are you aware how much of a loser you are?" the cop- who was black as well- asked in an authoritative tone.

"Brad," Ethan replied, seemingly fed up, "That is not funny. I thought you were going to kill me. I also thought worked for a different district?"

"Normally, I do! But today they switched me up," Brad laughed, "So I thought, 'Why not go mess with my little brother?'"

"It's still not funny," Ethan frowned.

"Oh you know you love me!" Brad smiled, then turned his gaze to the people in the car, "Who's the cute chick? Taking her home I see?"

"Actually, THEY are non-binary," Ethan replied, "And yes. I'm taking the two in the back to Garin for advice."

"Marriage advice?" Brad looked confused. As he should. Dakota and Lucas looked way too young to be married.

"For the parents," Ethan replied, "Now, can we go? I want to introduce them to Garin by sundown."

"So dramatic," Brad rolled his eyes, "But sure. Just come see me by the precinct some time and give your brother some well-earned company. I don't get many days off to come over anyway. You know that."

"Yeah sure," Ethan replied, "You've heard about Aniyah?"

"Of course I heard about Aniyah," Brad replied softly, "I'll visit her soon. Promise."

Ethan nodded his head. Dakota noticed that same sad glint in his eye. After saying goodbye to Brad and getting back onto the road, Dakota decided to speak up about it.

"What's wrong with Aniyah?" Dakota asked. He was aware that Ethan had a little sister named Aniyah, and he hoped nothing had happened to her.

Ethan sighed.

"Right. I haven't told you yet," Ethan replied glumly, "She's got Leukemia again."

"It came back?" Dakota questioned in surprise.

"Just like the doctors predicted," Ethan sighed, frowning. Dakota could tell this news took a toll on Ethan. It took a toll on Dakota despite never really meeting Ethan's sister; they had all been hopeful the illness had ben banished for good. "And if they manage to ward it away or subside it," Ethan continued," it may come back full force yet again."

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