Welcome to My New Series!

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Hello! Nice to meet you new and old readers, and welcome to MY NEW BOOK!

And perhaps new series as well :)

Usually, I'm more PUMPED UP than this, but yesterday was NEW YEARS EVE  (Happy New Years BTW) and now I am really tired. (I ended up posting this after New Years so... HAPPY BELATED NEW YEARS!)

But enough of that! There are a few (very important) notices that I need to let you know of before you read this book:

First of all, this is a more mature book than my usual so all you twelve-year-olds need to go back to your PG gay romances. This is for (at least) 15 and up.

Second of all, this is about the lifestyle of BDSM so there will be sexual things (kinky things, innuendos, etc.). HOWEVER, this is not like most BDSM books here on Wattpad (100% nothing like fifty shades. I think. I've never watched fifty shades). This is less of an erotic read and more of a slice-of-life type situation. So, do not expect this book to be pornographic, because it isn't. That ain't how I roll. I want to focus on the other aspects of a BDSM relationship as well- the beginning and introduction to it. The learning. And most of all, the love and trust behind it all.

Third, I have read about this lifestyle quite a bit so I hope I portray it correctly. However, if I don't, please do no attack me because I'm no expert. I have no experience. No elaborate sources. This is something new to me. 

Now back to your regularly programmed schedule!

Every book I do my "ten things I have to say" before we start so here they are:

1. I love comments! So make sure ya send me one. I love reading every single one of them! And I just love them. (You can tell I'm tired lol. The last three times I've said that in previous books have been 50% all caps XD)

2. The setting is somewhat Modern Times, third-person POV. 

3.  This point usually talks about the maturity of the book BUT. I already discussed that. As far as violence, there isn't much. However, triggering content includes mentions of sexual harassment and rape, bullying,  and street life/homelessness. There are also mentions of prostitution and real-life difficulties. Like I said, this is a mature book. Usually, there is no swearing since I don't have a foul mouth, unless I do it for a character. There probably won't be any major swearing in this book either (I have come back to say that there is some swearing lol)

4. Number four was omitted because I'm not quite sure how I stand on it right now. It originally talked about Harry Potter and Percy Jackson references in the book. But I haven't read Percy Jackson in a while, and Harry Potter is on the fence for me right now because I'm not sure about the moral values in supporting J.K. Rowling right now. So, I'm not quite sure if this point will apply.

5.  The story is in only ONE point of view, unlike my other books which switched back and forth. There is a prologue and an end, but no epilogue. Because this will be a series! (Hopefully)

6. I'm not cliche. At least, I try not to be :). So, if you walked in on this thinking that it was going to be cheesy and predictable...we'll I guess that's up to your judgment.

7. I'm an evil author with evil intentions. I like my characters to suffer. I like to lead my readers in one direction and then show a completely different answer. I like cliffhangers. I like plot twists. So...good luck :)

8. UPDATES ARE (AT LEAST) ONCE A MONTH. Sometimes I write three chapters in one day, sometimes I write two in a week, and sometimes I can only poop out once a month. But I'll at least get one out once a month.

9. If you see any spelling/grammar mistakes or just plain plot holes. Or maybe even a concept or idea that confuses you, leave me a comment/message. I will fix/explain anything you have problems with :P

10. (Again, this was copied-pasted from my previous books onto this one- but it is still true) I LOVE EVERYBODY. I wanted to make it clear that I am not my characters, nor do I express the views of my characters. If one of my characters makes a fat joke, I AM NOT MAKING FUN OF PEOPLE WITH THAT BODY TYPE (<--that was just an example!!). If one of my characters are homophobic, I AM NOT A HOMOPHOBE OR THIS BOOK WOULD NOT EXIST. If my characters hate cliches, even if I hate cliches, to be honest, I still read them. Why? Because some are good stories. And the authors are good writers. I'm not hating on cliche stories. My life's goal is to love everybody. You be you. I'll be me. And we can be friends. Sorry if I went all crazy on you, I just needed to get that straight because of a mishap in the past.

See? Doesn't it have so much more energy? XD

ANYWAY! I hope you enjoy this story. It is the only story I have ever made that has been 100% planned out before it was started. So I'm excited :D

And, as per tradition,



(Dear Evan Hansen Reference)

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