third year- 10 *edited*

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" right then if you'd follow me then " the class looked at lupin confused but followed him never the less they walked out the class room when peeves started floating above them he began singing " looney loopy lupin " " oh and little doe" professor lupin had now stopped to wait up for lily  " when is our next prank doe im bored  " " well there is the one next week or we could do it tomorrow " " yes little one tomorrow is fine i will set up a meeting for us prankers " remus watched the interaction with a smile " miss potter hurry up please  " he gave the girl a small smile " bye peeves talk to you later "  lupin led them all to the staffroom " inside please " professor snape was sitting in a low arm chair  " hello fessor snape how's you " " im alright lily but lupin leave the door open i'd rather not witness this " he sneered at the other professor "possibly no one's  warned  you but this class contains neville Longbottom i would not entrust him with anything difficult unless miss granger is hissing instructions in his ear  " neville went scarlet and harry glared at the professor " well i was hoping to have neville assist me " neville went redder and snape snarled at the two " so first question what is a boggart " " a shape shifter it takes the shape of what we fear the most " lily answered " couldn't of put it better myself  " lupin smiled proudly " we have an advantage what is it harry " " erm - theres so many of us it will get erm confused " " precisely  the charm to get rid of a boggart is simple but you need to have a forceful mind the thing that really finishes a boggart is laughter " " first without our wands riddikulus  " " riddikulus " the class repeated " this class is riddikulus " draco snarled " shut up draco" lily snarled back to the boy she had been ignoring the blonde" right neville what scares you the most " neville mumbled something no one could hear " sorry repeat that please " " professor snape "  " i believe you live with your grandmother neville " " yes but i dont want it to turn into her "   " no no you misunderstood me i want you to think of her clothes " " have you imagined them " " yes " " ok once i let the boggart out it will take the form of professor snape and you will repeat the incantation riddikulus alright " neville nods professor snape climbs out the wardrobe the class begins laughing everyone but neville  and  " alright everyone line up " people each took turns the boggart turned into clowns snakes vampires other common fears " miss potter your turn " lily stepped forward the boggart changed from a spider to draco harry snape McGonagall hermione ron all dead lily stared a green light began flashing lily recognized it as the killing curse  but it then changed to jack smith " riddikulus " it turned into harry 

the harry boggart 

" quack quack "

lily walked out the class but instead of moping around lily did what she was best at she did a prank it was lunch time by the time she was finished she stood waiting in the great hall waiting for everyone under harrys cloak 

eventually most people were sitting at lunch when people began turning into making duck noises lily fell to the floor laughing accidently knocking off the cloak people began looking at her lily stopped laughing when she saw an angry scottish professor storm over " detention tonight miss potter " " alright bye minnie"

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