fourth year-22

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" alastor moody ex auror ministry malcontent and your new defense against the dark arts teacher im here because dumbledore asked me end of story goodbye the end any questions " the class was silent no one dared to speak but lily had the guts to put her hand up " i have a question sir " moody eyed the girl " and you are " " lily potter sir " " go on miss potter " " well its two really can i hold your magical eye or have a go at your leg " she asked the ex auror with a smirk  moody stared at the girl no one in the school had talked to him like that not even the seventh years " no miss potter " he then carried on with his lesson 

 "when it comes to the dark arts i believe in a practical approach first which of you can tell me how many unforgivable curses there are ? " " three sir " hermione answered " and they are so named because " hermione answered again "because they are unforgivable the use of one will earn you -" the bushy haired girl was cut of by the professor " a one way ticket to Azkaban correct now the minister says your too young to see what these curses do but i say different you need to know what your up against what you need to be prepared and you need to find another place to put your chewing gum then the side of your desk mr finnagen  " seamus then mumbled to lily who sat next to him " oh no way the old codger can see at the back of his head "  lily laughed " na seamus ye just not careful to hide it ye tit "  moody then threw a piece of chalk at the two lily just missed it " and hear across classrooms! SO which curse shall we see first  " he looked at the class " WEASLEY "  ron who was terrified managed to get out a yes "stand  " ron stood shaking " give us a curse "  moody demanded " well my dad did tell me about one the imperius curse  " "oh ye father would know all about that caused the ministry a bit of grief a few years back perhaps this will show you why  " he then proceeded to take out a spider and use the curse no one in the class spoke to shocked by a teacher using a unforgivable curse he had made the spider larger using the curse to make it fly around the class falling on random students people laughed but lily didn't find it funny she was the only one not laughing she knew they had used this curse in the war on people she also knew it was voldermort and his death eaters  

"talented isn't what should i do next make it jump out the window "  he held the spider by the open window " or drown herself  " moving the creature to by the bucket of water the whole class was silent " scores of witches and wizards have claimed that they only did you know who's bidding under the influence of the imperius curse but heres the rub how do we sort out the liars" 

"another one " surprising everyone neville raised his hand " longbottom is it up " neville stood in front of the whole class " th-e the crutiatus curse " lily knew what had happened to nevilles parents sirius had told  harry during the summer but lily already knew neville had opened up to her about it she had let him talk to her when ever he needed to she had even went with him to visit his parents a few times she got along with his grandmother as well she was a harsh women but had a spot for lily " correct longbottom come come " he motioned neville over to the spider on his desk  moody looked at the spider " the torture curse crucio  " moody is pointing his wand at the spider neville can only stare in fear hermione jumps up " stop stop it cant you see its bothering him " moody stops picking up the spider then places it on hermiones desk " maybe you can give us the last curse miss granger " hermione doesnt speak only shakes her head moody points his wand at the spider again " avadakedavre  " a flash of green and the spider falls dead " the killing curse only two  people are  known to survive it and there sitting in this room  " lily was frozen she couldnt stop seeing the green flash her mother dropping to the floor a single tear ran down the girls face she hadnt even realised the class ended until seamus tapped her shoulder lily didn't waste anytime running out the room not stopping when people called for her 

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