The Final Chapter

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Me and Johanna walked through the jungle back to the beach. We helped each other over rocks.

"Come on. I want to put as much distance between me and this beach as possible. Frying is not how I want to go." Johanna said impatiently. The spool stopped spinning. I gave it a little tug but it wouldn't budge. It's stuck.

"There's something...." I trailed off. I yanked harder but the spool still wouldn't budge. Suddenly the wire snapped as if it was cut. I readied my bow and saw the male Career coming out from behind the rocks. Suddenly I was hit from behind. I yelped and fell to the ground, my head hurting. Johanna climbed on top of me. She took out her knife and stabbed my arm. I screamed in pain.

"Shhh." Johanna whispered. She looked up then back down at me. She smeared the blood from my arm onto my neck.

"Stay down." She said quietly. I saw her throw her ax behind me. Then she took off running. What just happened? I slowly got up into a sitting position. I looked at my arm which was covered in blood. I tried to catch my breath.

"Johanna where are you?!" I heard Finnick yell. I acted quickly and crawled under a grassy overhang. I heard Finnick's footsteps overhead then they stopped.

"Johanna?" He whispered out loud. I dare not say a word. Then the footsteps took off again.

"Peeta." I muttered. What if Finnick tried to kill him? I got to my feet. I stumbled back to the tree. I found a pile of wire on the ground.

"Peeta." I whispered again into the silent darkness. I saw a body get thrown back by the electric force field. I immediately thought it was Peeta. I ran up to the body. When I got closer I realized it was Beetee. I crouched down.

"Beetee. Beetee." I said trying to wake him up. He still had a heartbeat. I saw what he was holding. He was holding a spear with wire loosely wrapped around it. Suddenly the all too familiar cannon went off.

"Peeta!" I yelled. Where is he? I got up and looked around the tree.

"Peeta!" I called out again. I heard running footsteps coming this way. I looked in the direction. Through the trees I saw Finnick running back here. A surge of anger went through me. He betrayed me. Johanna betrayed me. I quickly crouched down in the grass. I aimed my bow at Finnick.

"Maddie where are you?!" Finnick yelled. I said nothing. I concentrated on my aim. Finnick darted his eyes around trying to find me. I breathed heavily as I continued to aim. Finnick's eyes caught sight of me. When he realized what was happening he put his hands up. The anger built up.

"Maddie. Remember who the real enemy is." Finnick said. A gust of wind blew through. The anger was gone. I slowly lowered my bow. Suddenly thunder boomed from overhead. Clouds started to swirl above. I noticed something strange. The dome. I looked over and saw Beetee on the ground still. With the spear next to him. I realized what Beetee was trying to do.

"Maddie get away from that tree!" Finnick ordered. I ignored him. I grabbed some wire that was laying in front of me and wrapped it around an arrow. I aimed to the sky above. No turning back. I heard the lightning start to power up.

"Maddie get away from that tree!" Finnick yelled. He started to run towards me. Everything happened so fast. As the lightning started to strike I released my arrow. The whole tree lit up and electrocuted everything and everyone around it. I was sent flying back as I was hit.


I opened my eyes. I could feel myself fading away. I couldn't move. I looked at the 'sky' above me. Then the dome broke. And the real light shined through. Little fires were all around me. It was good to see the real light again. The dome started to fall around me. I waited for a piece to crush me to death but miraculously none hit. It didn't matter though. My body, my mind, slowly fading away. Fire started to roar around me now. A helicopter came out of nowhere. It lowered a Crane to pick me up. Why? I thought Snow wanted me to die. As my body lays dead to the world I felt my body being lifted up by the Crane. As I was lifted up higher and higher I was slipping away faster and faster. I couldn't fight anymore. As the dome crashed around me, I closed my eyes and slipped away.


I woke with a gasp. I was in the helicopter. A breathing mask was on my face. I took it off. I looked over and saw Beetee laying next to me. He too had a mask on his face. I looked around. I didn't see anyone else on the ship. Maybe the front? I took the IV out. I ignored the pain and got to my feet. I don't know who is in there but I'm going to fight. I grab a syringe off of the medic plate and cautiously walk towards the door. I heard voices.

"She's gonna lose it when she finds out about the boy." A male voice said.

"She'll still cooperate though?" Another male voice asked. I listen closely to the conversation.

"Without Peeta? There's no guarantee." The male voice answered. Peeta. The door automatically opened. The conversation stopped immediately. 3 people were in there. Haymitch, Finnick, and Plutarch. Haymitch walked up to me.

"Morning sweetheart." Haymitch said. I was confused. And angry. I charged towards Haymitch with the syringe. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them against the wall.

"What are you doing with them?" I asked angrily. Haymitch took the syringe out of my hands.

"You and a syringe against the Capitol? See, this is why no one lets you make the plans." Haymitch said sarcastically. I glared at Finnick.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I spat.

"Stop. Stop. Just listen." Finnick said.

"We couldn't tell you with Snow watching. It was too risky. Better for you to know nothing." Haymtich said. I pushed him away.

"Where's Peeta?" I demanded.

"Now Maddie, you have been our mission from the beginning. The plan was always to get you out. Half the Tributes were in on it. This is the revolution. And you are the Mockingjay. And were on our way to District 13 right now." Plutarch explained. I was so confused. Mockingjay? Revolution? District 13? There is no District 13.

"13?" I asked to make sure I heard that correctly.

"13. Yes." Plutarch said.

"Where's Peeta?" I ask again. Finnick turned away as if not to see my reaction. Plutarch disappeared from view. Haymitch sighed.

"He still has his tracker in his arm. Johanna cut yours out." Haymitch said.

"Where is he?" I asked once again.

"In the Capitol. They got him and Johanna." Haymitch said. I lost it. I immediately lunged towards him.

"You son of a bitch! You son of a..." I yelled. I slapped him. And kept hitting him.

"You promised me that you would save him over me!" I yelled. I felt something inject in my back. I lost all feeling and sunk to the floor.

"You promised me! You're a liar. You're a liar." I shouted. I started to slip away again. I sobbed as I fell into a deep sleep.


I slowly opened my eyes. I turned my head and saw Gale staring at me. He smiled.

"Hey Mads." He said softly.

"You're okay. You've just been asleep for a few days." Gale said.

"Are we home?" I whispered. The smile disappeared from Gale's face. He looked like he was about to cry. I knew something was wrong.

"Gale? Where's Bri?" I asked concerned.

"She's alive. So is your mother. I got them out in time." Gale said. Confusion sweep over me.

"Got them out?" I asked. Gale's face grew darker.

"After the Games, they sent in hovercrafts. And they started dropping firebombs." Gale said sadly. I took in everything he just said. I swallowed.

"They're not in 12?" I asked shaking.

"There is no District 12." Gale said choking on tears.

"It's all gone." He said. No. Snow did exactly what he said he was gonna do. Sadness washed over me. Then anger. And the anger wouldn't stop boiling. I'm going to kill Snow.

End of Part 5

Song that goes with Part 5. Enjoy.

Part 5: The Girl On FireWhere stories live. Discover now