Chapter 1

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I crouched down and looked at the peaceful early morning lake. The sun just started to rise over the hilltops. I rubbed my hands together to create some warmth. It's so cold. Sparkly snow laid all around me. It's been 7 months since i lost newt. 7 months since I've been back at Panem. Panem somehow survived the virus. No one has contracted the virus or anything. However the sun did scorch the Earth all around Panem. I was really happy to see my family again. But I didn't tell them about my confrontation with dad. I didn't tell them that he's gone for good. Some things are better left untold. President Snow was not happy about my return. I could see his face turn to disgust when he saw me step out of that helicopter 7 months ago. But nothing has happened. He didn't kill me. In fact the Hunger Games haven't continued since I've been kidnapped. I wonder if it's gone for good too. I hope so. I heard a twig snap behind me. I drew back my bow and turned around.

"Woah. Easy." Gale said putting his hands up in defense. I lowered my bow. I gave him an apologetic look. I've been so on edge after WCKD. It got worse since I've been back. I always feel like someone will come up behind me and kill me.

"Saw some turkeys on the way here. Crossed right in front of me like I wasn't even there." Gale said.

"How rude of them." I said smiling.

"That's what happens when you spend 6 days a week working in the mines. The stupid birds start to think they own these woods." Gale said. I chuckled.

"When's the tour leave?" Gale asked. The tour. The Capitol wants me and Peeta to go on a tour around the districts. I guess to preach about the Hunger Games just like all the other Victors did.

"Couple hours." I said. I was really dreading it. I don't want to bring back up memories.

"Well let's go." Gale said. We walked though the woods looking for the turkeys Gale was talking about. When we found them I crouched behind a rock and pulled out my bow. I quietly drew my arrow back and aimed at a turkey. I released. I watched the arrow rip into newt's chest. I gasped and started screaming. Gale took my hands and calmed me down.

"Woah it's ok. You're safe. It's okay. You're safe. You're with me." Gale repeated. I looked back and newt was gone. All there was was just a bunch of turkeys scattering now because of my freak out. I took a deep shaky breath and calmed down.

"I'm sorry." I panted. I got up to my feet.

"We should.....we should go." I said. I hid my bow in a tree and we walked out of the woods.


Me and Gale stood together in an alley way.

"Are you coming to the train station?" I asked.

"I think you have enough people saying goodbye without me there." Gale said.

"Only a few I actually care about." I said.

"It might be easier if I didn't." Gale said.

"It's only a few weeks. I'll be back before the snow melts." I said.

"Yeah a lot can happen in a few weeks." Gale said. I keep forgetting Gale liked me. He was still really hurt about me kissing Peeta in the Games. and then the whole wckd thing happened. I didnt tell Gale about Newt. i didn't tell anyone in fact.

"Are we gonna do this again? Gale it was an act." I said.

"Yeah and it was a good one." Gale said looking down at his feet.

"I did what I had to do to survive. If I didn't I'd be dead." I said. Then something happened. Gale cupped my face and suddenly kissed me. I was shocked. That was my first kiss with someone else since Newt. But this kiss with Gale just didn't feel right. I could feel Gale's passion but I couldn't feel mine.

"I had to do that. At least once." Gale whispered. Then he let go of me and walked away. I stood there frozen. After a few minutes I gathered up enough courage to walk back to my house. I walked into a tiny neighborhood. Victors village. Where the victors of district 12 live. peeta shared a house with Haymitch. I lived in the house across with my family. I walked up to peeta and Haymitch's house and banged on the door.

"Haymitch!" I called out. No one opened the door so I turned the knob and walked in. I walked into the dining room and saw Haymitch passed out on the table with empty drinks surrounding him.

"Haymitch. Wake up. It's Tour Day." I said. I shook him but he didn't stir. I sighed. I grabbed a glass full of something. I hesitated. Then I dumped the liquid onto him. Haymitch roared awake.

"What are you doing?!" He yelled angrily.

"Cameras are gonna be here in an hour." I said dryly. Haymitch drunkly walked towards me. I grabbed him by the throat and pushed him back into the chair.

"If you wanted to be babied, you should've asked peeta." I said.

"Asked me what?" A voice asked. peeta walked into the room.

"Asked you to wake me without giving me pneumonia." Haymitch said. Haymitch stared me dead in the eye.

"You are a strangely dislikable person." Haymitch said. I put two bottles of alcohol on the table.

"But you do have your virtues." Haymitch quickly added.

"Would you like some bread Maddie?" peeta asked.

"No I already ate but thank you." I said.

"You're welcome." peeta said. He started cutting the bread. I could feel the tension. after peeta's memories came back he's been so frustrated with me. about everything really. the games and then not restoring his memories sooner. i think i liked him better without his memories.

"Brr. You two have a lot of warming up to do before showtime." Haymitch said.

"Which is in an hour so take a bath Haymitch." I said  walking out of the house.

"I just did." Haymitch called out. I ignored him and slammed the door behind me.

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