Chapter 13

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Me and Peeta walked into the training room.

"Remember Maddie, todays about making allies." Peeta said. Suddenly I saw a Tribute throw up. I sighed.

"So far I'm not overwhelmed by our choices." I said.

"I guess we just try to figure out who we trust least and work our way backwards from there." Peeta said. I nodded in agreement. I heard grunting. Me and Peeta turned our heads to a male tribute who was throwing knives at simulator people. He got every one and so did the female tribute. The District 1 people. Yeah I don't trust them. I saw Johanna swinging an ax around. She gave me an evil smile as she buried her ax into the ground. I examined each Tribute trying to figure out who would be good allies. I saw Beetee and Wiress trying to make a fire. It wasn't working out so well. I have to start somewhere. I walked up to them.

"Friction generates heat. Heat generates fire in theory." Beetee was muttering.

"You should move your hands downward. And faster too." I suggested. They both looked at me then Beetee did as I said. Smoke started to rise. Wiress gasped in awe.

"A little brute force.." She started

"Is always helpful..." Beetee finished.

"Thank you." Beetee said. I gave a little smile.

"By the corner of the table." Wiress said looking up. I looked too. Plutarch and the other workers were up there watching us.

"Plutarch?" I asked.

"No next to him." Wiress said. Beetee studied them.

"Force field." Beetee said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"The shimmering. Top left hand side. Look. You see it?" Beetee said. I looked. I did see shimmering.

"Looks like glass." I said.

"To separate us and them." Wiress said.

"Probably my fault. I shot an arrow at them last Games." I said.

"Electromagnetic." Beetee said.

"How can you tell?" I asked. Beetee and Wiress started laughing.

"Is it obvious or something?" I asked. They both continued laughing.

"Is it obvious?" Beetee mocked. I started to get annoyed.

"They might as well have a sign." Wiress said.

"Look around you. All the holograms, the lights, every now and then they flicker. Why?" Beetee questioned me.

"Because the force field is taking up too much energy." I said.

"There's always a flaw in the system." Beetee said. I looked around and I saw Mags at a table by herself. I got up and walked over to her. She was making a cute little fishhook

"It's beautiful." I said. Mags looked up at me.

"I saw you volunteer for that young girl. It was really brave." I said. Mags smiled and touched my shoulder playing with my braid.

"Bri is my sister." I said. Mags smiled sadly.

"If you teach me how to make a fishhook like that I could teach you how to hunt." I offered. Mags smiled in agreement. I smiled back. I think I've found myself an ally. After Mags showed me how to make a fishhook like hers we went over to the simulator. I grabbed a bow and stood at the door.

"You wanna try with me?" I asked Mags. She shook her head no.

"Okay. I'll go first." I said.

I stepped into the simulator section. I pressed a few buttons on the keypad setting it to archery. I then stepped into the middle of the circle. The room set up and I grabbed an arrow, putting it on my bow. Suddenly a simulator person was running at me with a spear. I shot it and it crumbled to the ground. Another sim appeared in the corner with a bow. I shot it before it could shoot me. Another sim threw a spear at me but I dodged it and shot it. I shot another sim, then another. One sim threw an ax at me. I rolled on the ground then shot it. I shot three more sims. Then the last sim tried to jump on top of me but I shot it and it crumbled around me. The simulator was over. I heard clapping and I looked up. Wiress was clapping continuously and all of the Tributes were just watching me. I do not like the attention. I do wonder though what they thought of me. Did I prove myself worthy as an ally?


"Good news. At least half the Tributes want you as an ally." Haymitch said proudly.

"Well they saw her shoot." Peeta said.

"Well sweetheart you got your pick of the litter." Haymitch said. Without a further thought I knew who I wanted as allies.

"I want Wiress and Beetee." I said.

"Johanna calls them 'Nuts' and 'Volts'." Peeta said dryly.

"Well okay good. Now who else?" Haymitch asked.

"Mags." I said. Peeta turned away in frustration. He was really acting like a kid about it.

"All right, fine, then no one." I said angrily.

"I'll tell them you're still making up your mind." Haymitch said then he walked off.


Me and Peeta waited with the other Tributes. Today was assessment. Beetee was just called in. Everyone was happily talking with each other.

"Peeta how are we gonna kill these people?" I said.


I sat by myself. It was quiet now. Everyone has gone but me.

"District 12. Maddie Everdeen. Report for individual assessment." The PA said. Finally. I walked into the training room just as Peeta was walking out. He gave me a sad, sorry look. What was that for? I saw Plutarch and the others watching me from the balcony thing but I noticed something else. I saw something painted on the floor. As I got closer I saw it clearer. My mouth almost dropped. It was a painted picture of Rue. Dead Rue lying in the flowers. Sadness washed over me. Then anger. They forced Peeta to paint this on purpose.

"Miss Everdeen." Plutarch called out. A tear rolled down my cheek.

"Miss Everdeen!" Plutarch called out again. I looked at him with rage in my eyes.

"You have 10 minutes to present your chosen skill." Plutarch said. I looked back down at the painted Rue. An idea formed in my head. I grabbed a fighting dummy and laid it down on the table. I grabbed rope and paint. I painted red on the dummy. When I was done I tied the rope around the dummy's neck and I hung it in the middle of the room. I tied it off and admired my work. Everyone started murmuring. I stared Plutarch dead in the eyes and bowed. Then I walked out of the training room. I painted the dummy to look like Seneca Crane. Then I hung it. I hope I reminded the Gamemakers of Seneca's fate and showed them that they will suffer the same.

Part 5: The Girl On FireWhere stories live. Discover now