Chapter 1

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The view from the Duke's study, situated at the pinnacle of the citadel straddling that Kinnel River, never ceased to amaze Fehrys. The walls were magically enchanted marble which rendered them as clear as glass and, when the curtains were raised, allowed a view in all directions of the immense valley that comprised the City State of Vyscher. Even with his enhanced elven vision, Fehrys couldn't see the gigantic falls where the river poured out of the Great Rift Mountains to the north with a never-ending thunder, nor could he see where they disappeared into the treacherous canyons to the south. The mountains to the east and west dominated the view, as did the many farms in orchards spreading out in all directions. The city below, aglow in the early evening looked like a shining jewel in the cradle of greenery surrounding it.

Such thoughts were frivolous he knew, but it was hard not to appreciate the City State that he was a prince of, though he was but a sixth child. Even his twin sister Victoria was a few minutes older than he was and had a slightly better chance at claiming the throne then he did. Circling the room, he breathed in the deep smell of leather and wood from the well-appointed chamber. The finest gnomish and Dwarven craftsmen had been commissioned to create the furniture when the study had been finished just ten years earlier, and it had always been one of his favorite places to visit or to come and read if his father wasn't using it. Of course, he wasn't supposed to be visiting his father's private chamber, but that had never stopped him before.

His father was usually prompt when he asked to meet with anyone, so he was not surprised to hear voices after a brief wait. He could hear his twin's light voice as well, and imagined he knew where this talk would be heading. With he and his sister entering adulthood, there were few places this talk could go, but he would have to be patient as he waited for the inevitable.

Before long, King Hemmet's head appeared in the circular stairway that emerged in the center of the floor, followed closely by the rest of his broad frame, and then his sister last of all. "Father, Victoria," Fehrys said with a bow. Hemmet was a tall and muscular man by any standard, but Fehrys still had several inches on him in height, though not the bulk of muscles. His sister Victoria was also tall, almost six feet tall herself, and towered over most of the other women in the citadel. She kept her light brown hair short for easy maintenance, since he knew she loved the royal baths, just not the drying her hair part afterwards. Fehrys always assumed the family height came from the elven side of his parentage, but since he had never met an actual elf, he could never know if he was right. Their mother wasn't particularly tall, but the twins still were taller than the rest of the family. Sometimes it made them stand out awkwardly, though they appreciated being able to see over others when attending a play or some other event with the family.

"Ah, Fehrys, I had hoped you would be here waiting. I apologize for the delay," his father answered in a deep baritone. His sister simply smiled in greeting and nodded back at him. "I will make this brief, as I'm sure your mother wouldn't want us to be delayed in getting to dinner. But you're both going to be counted as adults next week, at your birthday, and now is as good a time as ever."

Taking a deep breath, the duke continued. "You know that you'll never be the King," Fehrys' father stated bluntly. "Victoria, you'll never be the Queen. At least of this land," Fehrys knew this talk was coming. It wasn't anything new, their birth had been shocking, seeing as half elves usually had small families, and their parents had four adult children already when their mother had discovered that she was with child. Well, more to the point with children, another rarity among their kind

Thirty years had passed, and they had been raised as a prince and princess of the realm, with all the rights and responsibilities. Dance lessons, etiquette, self-defense, and diplomacy were all taught to them by their tutors, but they always knew their lives wouldn't end with their succeeding the throne. Today was just that confirmation. Now, as they entered their own adulthood, they would find out their future.

Tales of Vyscher Book 1Where stories live. Discover now