Chapter 5

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Vic and Rek stayed in the garden for a few more moments, as Vic was hoping any confrontation with the Empress would be done before she made it back to the dining room. She knew her parents would have strong words with her, but she didn't have much choice in defending herself. Well, she didn't have to hit him with her magic, but that part was an accident, and she could hardly be blamed. She hoped.

She hated diplomacy; this was exactly the situation that she wanted to avoid when she joined the Bishops.

To her surprise, the dining room was empty, save for her mother, when she returned. Vic had told Rek to head back to her quarters so that she wouldn't be caught in the middle of any family drama, but now that it seemed like there was not to be any, she wished that she were still with her.

"Are you all right?" asked Demina, with a note of worry in her voice. The Queen was a striking woman, her hair gold and her eyes a deep blue. She had come from one of the tribes in the north, much like Luce, and had won the heart of the Duke many years ago when she had brought a petition for aid after flooding damaged some of the livestock one year. The aid arrived in the village, but Demina stayed in the capitol, at the young Duke's side. Now, many years and children later, she was still a beauty, with the grace many envied.

"I'm fine mother, though I had thought there would be more of a reception here afterwards." Vic replied with some hesitation.

"Oh, no, that wasn't necessary at all. The Prince apologized at once for the misunderstanding, and he and the Empress should be packing to return to Ordence immediately. They didn't even avail themselves of the royal healers for the, ummm, slight disfigurement." A trace of a smile ghosted over Demina's lips.

"Did you see it? How bad was it? I really didn't mean it!" Vic exclaimed.

"He lost the tip of his nose, and it served him right."

"Had Rek not been there, I would have killed him. Evidently he has more respect for a blade at his throat than he does a sorceress."

"Rek? I hadn't realized she was there," Demina said with some surprise.

"Evidently Jondure clued her in to any meeting being in the garden, I didn't even know about it myself."

"Your brother does have that way about him, and I'm sure we will need that soon." The Queen sighed.

"Will it be that bad?"

"Well, we're not at war, dear. Not yet anyway."

"Not yet?"

"The Prince is a proud and arrogant young man, and you've slighted him," Demina held up her hand to stop Vic's protest. "In his mind, you've already declared war, if not against Westrom then against himself."

"Then, they'll attack us?"

"Jondure will be able to tell us more, but I think they'll do something. It may be later, and more subtle though. But, they could just attack with their army, it is hard to predict an embarrassed prince."

"I'm so sorry mother, I didn't mean that!" Vic apologized. It was horrible to think that others might be hurt by her actions.

"Do not apologize for the actions of that fool! We warned them before they even arrived that the odds were against them, that you had already made your decision when it came to state marriages. They insisted, and obviously it didn't work out the way they wanted it to. Now, if they are to take offence after that, then it is on them. But we will keep our eyes open just in case."

Vic was immediately reminded of her childhood. On days when the lessons with the magisters were rough, she and Fehrys would go visit their mother to be made to feel better. She would regale them with stories of her childhood up north, her family was one of those that raised the herd beasts to feed the dragons, and she would tell of seeing dragons swooping down in the mist to snatch up a giant herd beast like a hawk would grab a mouse. It always filled them with wonder, tales of dragons and mystery. Fehrys and Vic would always sit and talk about adventures they could go on to find the dragons and ride them. Silly little things, but it helped on the days when their moods were low.

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