Chapter 13

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It turned out that flying the ship was relatively easy. The dead captain had a bracelet on his wrist that was made of the same material as an inky black globe mounted on the quarterdeck that was evidently enchanted to fly the ship. By touching the bracelet to the globe, you could guide the ship, though only in the basic sense. You still needed a crew for the sails and for more safety, but the bracelet was more than enough to get the ship to the ground for now.

Once they were able to land the ship, Fehrys tossed ropes down to tie it up, and lowered the gangplank to return all the prisoners to the city. He bounded down to the ground to get the ship tied and help people aboard but stopped in shock when he saw Vic and Rek stretched out under a tree, both looking limp and covered with bloodied bandages. He rushed over and knelt at their side.

"What happened?" he asked to the young woman who was tending them.

"They were hit when they were coming in for their attack, they were still in midair. I've patched up their wounds, and given them each some healing salves, but they lost a lot of blood and need to rest a bit. Oh, and hi, my name is Alia."

"I'm, sorry, I'm Fehrys. I just.... I had to find out how they are, that's my sister. Sorry for the shortness," he apologized. He thought he remembered her from the Bishop training.

"Is that a dig at my height Prince Fehrys?" Alia winked one shocking pink eye to show she was joking, and that did bring his attention her shorter stature. Did everyone know who he was?

"I'm sorry, from up here everyone is tiny," he countered with a grin. "Oh, and I better get that ship tied down or Luce will skewer me! Take care of them!" he took one more look at the resting girls and ran off to get the ropes tied off.

He hadn't planned to be here for more than it took to load everyone, but with the wounds on Rek and Vic, things would be delayed. He tied off the two lines that he had tossed down before, and then ran back aboard to throw down four more, only stopping to give Luce a quick recap of Rek and Vic's condition. She was as concerned as he was, but there wasn't much they could do now, they were in good hands with Alia.

He had just finished securing the ship as best he could when Hrul landed, with a pair of passengers in the two captives that they had thrown over the side of the ship. Both looked to be an odd mix of excited, confused and scared, and he really couldn't blame them. He reached up and helped them down.

"I'm glad you two are safe. I'm sorry for throwing you over, but it was the quickest solution. We thought it was better to get you away from the fighting," he stated.

"Oh no, it was fine! We liked it, neither of us really have any experience with magic," the young man said in a strange accent. The young girl seemed painfully shy, almost hiding behind him.

"Well, my name is Fehrys, we'll get you settled back at home as soon as we get everyone ready here," He cast a quick glance at Rek and Vic, hoping to see either of them awake but there was no change.

"I'm Tad, my friend here is Flewin," the boy said quietly, "But I don't think you can get us home, I wouldn't even know how to get there, and we don't have any idea of where we are."

"Where are you from?" asked Fehrys in confusion.

"We're from Cannit, it is a large city across the sea to the east. That is where the pirates took us from."

That was a new one for Fehrys. He didn't hold out much hope for them getting home, at least not soon. Maybe Jondure knew where it was?

"Huh. All right. Well, at a minimum you will be a guest here in the city. I know some people that will want to see about getting information about where you're from so we can see you home safely."

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